Today In The Fishroom~4/24/11 Labridens & Coatzacoalcos
Gönderim Zamanı: 25 Nisan 2011 13:47
I moved several of the Paratheraps "Coatzacaolcos" around again into bigger tanks. Almost immediately two more paired up and started breeding. This is now the third actively breeding pair. :D Lots of fry!

Beautiful colors on the female:

Two shots of one of my more elusive cichlids. Hericthys Labridens blue "Taninul Springs". For an 11" fish, he does a hell of a job staying in hiding.

Beautiful colors on the female:

Two shots of one of my more elusive cichlids. Hericthys Labridens blue "Taninul Springs". For an 11" fish, he does a hell of a job staying in hiding.

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