Today In The Fishroom~4/12/11 Paratheraps coatzacoalcos with fry

AquamojoÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 23/10/2010
Mesaj: 124
AquamojoÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 13 Nisan 2011 05:18
The pair successfully bred two weeks ago.  I generally leave the fry with the new parents.  Most often the first batch of fry don't last past a day or parents.  These two did surprisingly well for the first round.

Here's the female;

The male never really achieved a yellow coloration as they do in the wild.  Perhaps when he gets older...maybe not at all.  They did fluctuate with more drastic contrasting colors.

The female stayed pretty much like this throughout.

The male not so much...but you can see the contrasting colors.  Most amazing fast they can change into this color pattern.

He spent a lot of time hiding...almost like, what the hell is going on?  LOL  Here he is hiding in the log looking out the window at me with my camera.  Beautiful colors.

Final shot of momma and babies.

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KarabeYÇevrim Dışı

Özel Üye
Kayıt: 30/03/2010
İl: Antalya
Mesaj: 2770
KarabeYÇevrim Dışı
Özel Üye
Gönderim Zamanı: 13 Nisan 2011 08:51
Mr. MO wonderful fish. God willing, lossless grow. Congratulations.

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Gürkan HocaÇevrim Dışı

Özel Üye
Kayıt: 23/03/2009
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 3278
Gürkan HocaÇevrim Dışı
Özel Üye
Gönderim Zamanı: 13 Nisan 2011 19:49
Excellent fish, wonderful colors..
Thank you Mo
How do you grow up your babies, with parents or in another tank?

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