American Cichlid Tank

Martin DKÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 06/07/2010
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 2
Martin DKÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 10:59

can anybody help with information about setting up a cichlid tank in Istanbul area ? I have limited experience, but looking to start a tank of 250-325 litres. Have looked in pet shops around the Blue Mosk area as well as in shopping malls, but not much help there.

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Serhat38Çevrim Dışı

Özel Üye
Kayıt: 04/06/2010
İl: Kayseri
Mesaj: 305
Serhat38Çevrim Dışı
Özel Üye
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 12:22

    Hi there Tebessüm

     Sure, i can help you about setting up a cichlid tank but i dont stay in Istanbul .Sikkin 250-325 litres tanks are very big and expensive. I understand you because pet shops dont have enough information about huge tanks. 

     I think you should go to glazier.Be sure, they help you so much.Tebessüm I guess you can check the english forums.Because here is turkish forum. good luck dude Tebessüm

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bosverÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 31/05/2009
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 182
bosverÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 12:38
Of course we do.

We can help you in every step but above all you have to read somethings about American Chicled Tanks and decide what kind of tank you will choose. Means an oscar tank or natteri tank, small american chicled tank. All of them have different tank decaorations.

If you decide, we can help you

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Martin DKÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 06/07/2010
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 2
Martin DKÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 13:39
Thanks for the feedback. Have in the past had a. pulcher (believe Jack Dempsey is other name) and a. sajica - but not on very serious level. Have in Istanbul only seen Red Devil cichlids sofar and understand they are extremely aggressive and need lots of space.

How much money would you expect to spend to start up from nothing - buying tank, pumps, filters, light, decoration etc ?

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Koksal GurkanÇevrimiçi

Özel Üye
Kayıt: 19/10/2009
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 6980
Koksal GurkanÇevrimiçi
Özel Üye
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 13:43
It is better to start with small steps...

* Do you have the aquarium which you mentioned as 250-325 liters? Or will you buy as soon as you find it?
* Do you have the other materials, such as external filter, substrate, rocks, etc...?
* Do you consider to buy second hand aquairum?
* Have you had any experience in keeping freshwater aquairium fish? Details?
* Which cichlids do you prefer? Malawi or Tanganyika or American cichlids?

After you reply these question, it would be easier to guide you.
Later we may guide you a good petshop.

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sezai25Çevrim Dışı

Özel Üye
Kayıt: 29/11/2006
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 291
sezai25Çevrim Dışı
Özel Üye
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 14:17

He said that he don't have any materials about aquarium and wants to know how much money will necessary to start up from nothing .Also I see that his topic prefer to American cichlids.

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MechonerÇevrim Dışı

Özel Üye
Kayıt: 14/01/2010
İl: Tekirdag
Mesaj: 1907
MechonerÇevrim Dışı
Özel Üye
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 14:29
Çok azını anlayabildim yazılanların.KaçikKafasi%20Karismis

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Koksal GurkanÇevrimiçi

Özel Üye
Kayıt: 19/10/2009
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 6980
Koksal GurkanÇevrimiçi
Özel Üye
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 14:40
[QUOTE=sezai25]He said that he don't have any materials about aquarium and wants to know how much money will necessary to start up from nothing .Also I see that his topic prefer to American cichlids.[/QUOTE]
When I was writing, I didn't see his message. After I wrote, I saw it.
Anyway, the questions are still hold.
kgurkan2010-07-06 14:40:33

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bosverÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 31/05/2009
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 182
bosverÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 14:49
[QUOTE=Martin DK]Thanks for the feedback. Have in the past had a. pulcher (believe Jack Dempsey is other name) and a. sajica - but not on very serious level. Have in Istanbul only seen Red Devil cichlids sofar and understand they are extremely aggressive and need lots of space.

How much money would you expect to spend to start up from nothing - buying tank, pumps, filters, light, decoration etc ?

Yes, big aggressive American chicleds needs lots of space however you can only have a few of them.

Yout tank have to be et least 250 liter. You can buy if this forums advertisement section. It is cost probably 200 TL.

 External filter: You can buy it from a petshop. 100-150 TL

For decaoration you may need mangrow roots, some plants. nearly 50-100 TL. Decoration is up to you.

I have no idea for light. Friens can help you for this.

Instead of all, you can buy all of things from sites advertisement section. you can buy them less than half of the real prize. Meterials may be used but you can find tanks and others only user for a few month.

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CmshnÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 05/02/2010
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 1506
CmshnÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 15:35
Hey Martin, I can help you with translation stuff or something else.If you live in Istanbul i recommend online shopping.You can find what you want from lower price.

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menimen14Çevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 13/03/2010
İl: Bolu
Mesaj: 378
menimen14Çevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Temmuz 2010 16:18
Maşallah maşallah bir ben anlayamıyom şu ingilizceyiKahkaha

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