Akvaryumlarımızda Yeni Bir Tür.
Gönderim Zamanı: 20 Kasım 2012 14:07
Arkadaslar yeni göçmen
Order: Perciformes
Class: Actinopterygii
Size: length (TL) about 4,5 cm when adult
Environment: Reef associated. The animals prefer very shallow waters – up to six meters (6 m) – where they live in crevices and shaded hangs. They are (mainly) diurnal animals.
Food: Sessile invertebrate and algae, while they show a rather small interest for harpacticoids.
Distribution: Mediterranean Sea
Common name: Black-headed blenny
General notes: Very good choice for Mediterranean marine systems as long as tanks with subdued lighting or systems with plenty of hiding spots and vegetation are provided. Do not keep them in tanks with less three hundred liters (300 l) of volume.
The animals are shy and thus they need to feel secure, so one must pay attention when aquascaping the tank. Although a little is known about the social behavior of these fishes, I have observed in nature five to six individuals occurring in a small area measuring about one square meter (1 m2) and the ♂♂ shows very mild aggression.
The dominant mature ♂♂ animals are red overall with dark blue and dark silvery gray blotches on the head. The species can be easily misidentified asTriperygion melanurus minor. They can be recognized though from the three (3) dorsal fins. The dark spot on the base of the caudal is a more common characteristic of the animals inhabit south and east Mediterranean Sea.
Already kept in captivity. Interesting addition to Mediterranean tanks.
Mediterranean red blenny (
Lypophrys nigriceps) yakında akvaryumlarınızda..
Order: Perciformes
Class: Actinopterygii
Size: length (TL) about 4,5 cm when adult
Environment: Reef associated. The animals prefer very shallow waters – up to six meters (6 m) – where they live in crevices and shaded hangs. They are (mainly) diurnal animals.
Food: Sessile invertebrate and algae, while they show a rather small interest for harpacticoids.
Distribution: Mediterranean Sea
Common name: Black-headed blenny
General notes: Very good choice for Mediterranean marine systems as long as tanks with subdued lighting or systems with plenty of hiding spots and vegetation are provided. Do not keep them in tanks with less three hundred liters (300 l) of volume.
The animals are shy and thus they need to feel secure, so one must pay attention when aquascaping the tank. Although a little is known about the social behavior of these fishes, I have observed in nature five to six individuals occurring in a small area measuring about one square meter (1 m2) and the ♂♂ shows very mild aggression.
The dominant mature ♂♂ animals are red overall with dark blue and dark silvery gray blotches on the head. The species can be easily misidentified asTriperygion melanurus minor. They can be recognized though from the three (3) dorsal fins. The dark spot on the base of the caudal is a more common characteristic of the animals inhabit south and east Mediterranean Sea.
Already kept in captivity. Interesting addition to Mediterranean tanks.
Üye imzalarını sadece giriş yapan üyelerimiz görebilir
Gönderim Zamanı: 20 Kasım 2012 14:50
Güzel bir balık böyle bir girişimcilik için kutluyorum sizi, merak ediyorum da acaba akvaristler aynı çabayı tatlı su canlıları için de gösteriyor mu? Aynı tür canlıları çoğaltma ve pazarlama çabası görüyorum genelde bu biraz kötü ve çoğunlukla cikletlere rağbet var bunun sonu nereye varır bunu yapanlar profesyonel akvaristim diye geçiniyor. Forumda bu tür sevindirici başka başlıklar görmek güzel olur balık getirmek çok mu zor?neonnn 2012-11-20 14:52:03
Üye imzalarını sadece giriş yapan üyelerimiz görebilir
Gönderim Zamanı: 20 Kasım 2012 15:10
Çok tatlı hayvanlar,suyun altında birçok kez inceleme fırsatım oldu.Marmara ve Karadeniz'de de var fakat Ege ve Akdeniz'dekiler daha farklı ve canlı renklere sahip.
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Gönderim Zamanı: 28 Aralık 2012 13:31
Kızıl Denizden Göç eden Bir Karides Türü Brundy Line Shrimp.Yaşadığı deniz seviyesi 200mt.Aralık ve Nisan aylarında Derinlere çekilen bu türler Nisan'dan Aralık Ayına kadar 10-15mt Seviyelerinde yaşamaktadırlar..Sudan Çıkarıldığında rengini şeffaflaştırarak Strese girer.Akvaryuma girdiğinde tamamen Rengini Alıyor.

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