75*42*40 lık akvaryum için tetrazon beslemeyi düşünüyorum !
Gönderim Zamanı: 25 Eylül 2011 12:40
Öncelikle tüm akvaryum.com üyelerine böyle güzel bir ortamı oluşturdukları için teşekkür ederim..7-8 senenin ardından tekrar akvaryumumu devreye sokma kararı aldım..Şu anda akvaryumumu kurdum ve bugün nasip olursa 2-3 cm arası yeşil tetrazonlardan alacağım..
1-10 tetrazon,2 çöpçü,2 adet cüce vatoz bu boyutlardaki bir akvaryum için fazla olurmu ?
2-Yeni başlayan bu kardeşiniz için tavsiyeleriniz ne olur ?
Şimdiden teşekkür ediyorum..Saygılarımla..
Üye imzalarını sadece giriş yapan üyelerimiz görebilir
Gönderim Zamanı: 25 Eylül 2011 13:01
Tetrazon olabilir, hacim sorunu olacağını sanmam.
Üye imzalarını sadece giriş yapan üyelerimiz görebilir
Gönderim Zamanı: 29 Eylül 2011 17:27
Öncelikle Erzurum'da olduğunuza göre tanışmayı çok isterim ..
Sevgili Ahmet Bey elinizdeki balıkları görmüş birisi olarak şunu net bir şekilde söylemek istiyorum ki o balıklar sizin elinizde kolaylıkla damızlık boya geleceklerdir ayrıca belirtmek isterim ki balıkları TIKA BASA doyurmakla doğru birşey yapmıyorsunuz ..
Değerli forum üyeleri tetrazonun geleceği açısından Ahmet Bey' e tetrazon yetiştirme konusunda lütfen engel olalım .. Hayvanlara yazık ...
Tüm bunlar şakadır kendisi kardeşim gibidir 
başarılar kardeşim 



Üye imzalarını sadece giriş yapan üyelerimiz görebilir
Gönderim Zamanı: 24 Ekim 2011 20:15
Ahmet bey gelişmeler hakkında bizleri haberdar eder misiniz ? (function ()
var version = '1.29.8';
var mywindow;
if((typeof unsafeWindow) != "undefined")
mywindow = unsafeWindow;
mywindow = window;
if (mywindow.AntiGame_started) return;
mywindow.AntiGame_started = 1;
var AntiGame_lang = {};
AntiGame_lang.LabelsEN =
lbl_missAttack: 'Attack',
lbl_missColony: 'Colonization',
lbl_missDeploy: 'Deployment',
lbl_missDestroy: 'Moon Destruction',
lbl_missEspionage: 'Espionage',
lbl_missExpedition: 'Expedition',
lbl_missFederation: 'ACS Attack',
lbl_missHarvest: 'Harvest',
lbl_missHold: 'ACS Defend',
lbl_missTransport: 'Transport',
lbl_shipSCargo: 'Small Cargo',
lbl_shipLCargo: 'Large Cargo',
lbl_shipLFighter: 'Light Fighter',
lbl_shipHFighter: 'Heavy Fighter',
lbl_shipCruiser: 'Cruiser',
lbl_shipBattleship: 'Battleship',
lbl_shipColonizator: 'Colony Ship',
lbl_shipRecycler: 'Recycler',
lbl_shipSpy: 'Espionage Probe',
lbl_shipBomber: 'Bomber',
lbl_shipDestroyer: 'Destroyer',
lbl_shipRIP: 'Deathstar',
lbl_shipBCruiser: 'Battlecruiser',
lbl_shipSatellite: 'Solar Satellite',
lbl_defRLauncher: 'Rocket Launcher',
lbl_defLLaser: 'Light Laser',
lbl_defHLaser: 'Heavy Laser',
lbl_defGauss: 'Gauss Cannon',
lbl_defIon: 'Ion Cannon',
lbl_defPlasma: 'Plasma Turret',
lbl_defSShield: 'Small Shield Dome',
lbl_defLShield: 'Large Shield Dome',
lbl_RequiredEnergy: 'Energy needed',
rx_sendMail: /Send a message to (.+)\./
AntiGame_lang.InterfaceEN =
opt_languageName: 'English',
opt_title: 'AntiGame Options',
opt_btnOk: 'OK',
opt_btnCancel: 'Cancel',
opt_btnDefault: 'Default',
opt_language: 'Language',
opt_update_check: 'Auto-check for updates',
opt_thousandSeparator: 'Thousand separator',
opt_blockAutoComplete: 'Block Auto-Complete in Firefox',
opt_showDeficient: 'Show missing resources',
opt_showResources: 'Show extended resources information',
opt_showNames: 'Show ship/building/research names over images',
opt_nameColorOn: 'Name color: available',
opt_nameColorOff: 'Name color: unavailable',
opt_nameColorDisabled: 'Name color: not enough resources',
opt_showConstructionTitle: 'Show construction titles in the planet list',
opt_shortHeader: 'Always minimize planet image',
opt_misc_scrollTitle: 'Scroll time to the next event in the window title',
opt_uni_SpeedFactor: 'Speed factor of this universe',
opt_uni_DFPercent: 'Percentage of fleet structure to debris',
opt_uni_DefenseToDF: 'Percentage of defense to debris',
opt_timeSetting: 'Change time values (hours only)',
opt_showServerOgameClock: 'Keep server time for top-right Ogame clock',
opt_showServerPhalanx: 'Keep server time for Phalanx view',
opt_showPageStartTime: 'Display the time the page was last refreshed',
opt_timeAMPM: 'Use 12-hours format (AM/PM) instead of 24-hours',
opt_timeDontChange: 'Don\'t change time',
opt_timeLocal: 'Always set to local timezone',
opt_timeServer: 'Always set to server timezone',
opt_killTips: 'Kill tooltips',
opt_evt_dimReverse: 'Dim returning fleets',
opt_phalanx_showDebris: 'Show theoretical debris in Phalanx view',
opt_evt_expandFleetsEvt: 'Show fleet composition and cargo (EventList)',
opt_evt_expandFleetsPhal: 'Show fleet composition and cargo (Phalanx)',
opt_galaxyShowRank: 'Show player/alliance ranks in Galaxy view',
opt_galaxyRankColor: 'Player/alliance ranks color',
opt_galaxyDebrisMin: 'Minimal size of debris to highlight (0 to turn off)',
opt_galaxyDebrisColor: 'Color of highlighted debris',
opt_galaxyHideMoon: 'Hide Moon picture (display moon size instead)',
opt_galaxy_Players: 'Highlight the following players',
opt_galaxy_PlayerColors: 'Colors for player highlighting',
opt_galaxy_Allys: 'Highlight the following alliances',
opt_galaxy_AllyColors: 'Colors for alliance highlighting',
opt_galaxy_keepTipsPlanets: 'Keep tooltips for planets and moons',
opt_galaxy_keepTipsDebris: 'Keep tooltips for debris fields',
opt_msg_PlunderThreshold: 'Low limit for theoretical plunder (x1000)',
opt_msg_DebrisThreshold: 'Low limit for theoretical debris (x1000)',
opt_msg_foldSmallPlunder: 'Fold reports with plunder and debris less than the limit',
opt_msg_showPlunder: 'Show plunder in spy reports',
opt_msg_addButtons: 'Additional buttons on Messages',
opt_msg_fixColors: 'Fix colors of combat reports',
opt_fleet_showCapacity: 'Show ships capacity and speed',
opt_fleet1_showResCalc: 'Show resource calculator',
opt_uni_maxPlayerScore: 'The strongest player has more than 5M points',
opt_autocopyCoords: 'Auto-copy coordinates',
opt_autocopyGlobal: 'Memorize coordinates from any page (not only current Ogame universe tabs)',
opt_fleet2_setTargetDF: 'Set target to DF if the fleet includes recyclers',
opt_fleet2_fixLayout: 'Fix flight information layout (page 2)',
opt_fleet2_ShortLinks: 'Target shortlinks (page 2)',
opt_fleet2_MoonColor: 'Color for moons in the shortlink list',
opt_fleet2_MoonsToEnd: 'Move moons to the end of the shortlinks list',
opt_fleet2_expandLists: 'Expand drop-down boxes (Speed, Shortcuts, ACSs)',
opt_fleet2_checkProbeCapacity: 'Check probes capacity before departure(page 2)',
opt_missionPriority: 'Mission priority',
opt_mvmt_expandFleets: 'Show fleet ships and cargo',
opt_mvmt_showReversal: 'Show reversal time for fleets',
opt_missAttack: 'Mission color: Attack',
opt_missColony: 'Mission color: Colonization',
opt_missDeploy: 'Mission color: Deploy',
opt_missDestroy: 'Mission color: Destroy',
opt_missEspionage: 'Mission color: Espionage',
opt_missExpedition: 'Mission color: Expedition',
opt_missFederation: 'Mission color: Federation',
opt_missHarvest: 'Mission color: Harvest',
opt_missHold: 'Mission color: Hold',
opt_missTransport: 'Mission color: Transport',
opt_msg_addSimButton: 'Add buttons for submitting spy reports to WebSim',
lbl_missAttack: 'Attack',
lbl_missColony: 'Colonization',
lbl_missDeploy: 'Deployment',
lbl_missDestroy: 'Moon Destruction',
lbl_missEspionage: 'Espionage',
lbl_missExpedition: 'Expedition',
lbl_missFederation: 'ACS Attack',
lbl_missHarvest: 'Harvest',
lbl_missHold: 'ACS Defend',
lbl_missTransport: 'Transport',
lbl_sectionGeneral: 'General',
lbl_sectionUniverse: 'Universe',
lbl_sectionTime: 'Time settings',
lbl_sectionEventList: 'Event list & Phalanx',
lbl_sectionGalaxy: 'Galaxy',
lbl_sectionMessages: 'Messages',
lbl_sectionFleetDispatch: 'Fleet dispatch',
lbl_sectionFleetMovement: 'Fleet movement',
lbl_optionsNote1: 'The option is stored for this universe only',
lbl_resetCoords: 'Reset - ',
lbl_TotalCapacity: 'Total capacity',
lbl_MinSpeed: 'Minimal speed',
lbl_ExPoints: 'Expedition points',
lbl_mvmt_Return: 'R',
lbl_resources: 'Resources',
lbl_debris: 'Debris',
lbl_total: 'Total',
lbl_loot: 'Loot',
lbl_metal: 'Metal',
lbl_crystal: 'Crystal',
lbl_shipSCargoAlt: 'SC',
lbl_shipLCargoAlt: 'LC',
lbl_shipRecyclerAlt: 'Recs',
lbl_shipSatelliteAlt: 'Sat.',
lbl_deficientRes: 'Missing resources',
lbl_Production: 'Production',
lbl_ArrivalACS: 'Arrival (ACS)',
lbl_btnMarkReadAll: 'Mark all displayed messages as read',
lbl_btnDeleteSmallPlunder: 'Delete spy reports with plunder < $plunder and debris < $debris', lbl_Moon: 'Moon', lbl_onTop: 'On top', lbl_onBottom: 'On bottom', lbl_onLeft: 'On left', lbl_installNewVersion: 'Click to install new version', lbl_Save: 'Save', lbl_Clear: 'Clear', lbl_Quantity: 'Quantity', lbl_Duration: 'Duration', lbl_Consumption: 'Consumption', lbl_tmTime: 'Time', lbl_tmCountdown: 'Countdown' ; AntiGame_lang.LabelsTR = lbl_missAttack: 'Saldırmak', lbl_missColony: 'Sömürgeleştirmek', lbl_missDeploy: 'Konuşlandırmak', lbl_missDestroy: 'Ay Yok Etmek', lbl_missEspionage: 'Casusluk', lbl_missExpedition: 'Keşif', lbl_missFederation: 'İttifak Saldırısı', lbl_missHarvest: 'Harabe Alanını Sök', lbl_missHold: 'İttifak Savunması', lbl_missTrans: 'Nakliye', lbl_shipSCargo: 'Küçük Nakliye', lbl_shipLCargo: 'Büyük Nakliye', lbl_shipLFighter: 'Hafif Avcı', lbl_shipHFighter: 'Ağır Avcı', lbl_shipCruiser: 'Kruvazör', lbl_shipBattleship: 'Komuta Gemisi', lbl_shipColonizator: 'Koloni Gemisi', lbl_shipRecycler: 'Geri Dönüşümcü', lbl_shipSpy: 'Casus Sondası', lbl_shipBomber: 'Bombardıman', lbl_shipDestroyer: 'Muhrip', lbl_shipRIP: 'Ölüm Yıldızı', lbl_shipBCruiser: 'Firkateyn', lbl_shipSatellite: 'Solar Uydu', lbl_defRLauncher: 'Roketatar', lbl_defLLaser: 'Hafif Lazer Topu', lbl_defHLaser: 'Ağır Lazer Topu', lbl_defGauss: 'Gaus Topu', lbl_defIon: 'İyon Topu', lbl_defPlasma: 'Plazma Atıcı', lbl_defSShield: 'Küçük Kalkan Kubbesi', lbl_defLShield: 'Büyük Kalkan Kubbesi', lbl_RequiredEnergy: 'Gereken Enerji', rx_sendMail: /Send a message to .+./ ; AntiGame_lang.InterfaceTR = opt_Name: 'Türkçe', opt_title: 'AntiGame Seçenekleri - Çeviri: RivaL', opt_btnOk: 'Tamam', opt_btnCancel: 'İptal Et', opt_btnDefault: 'Varsayılan', opt_: 'Dil', opt_update_check: 'Güncellemeleri otomatik kontrol et', opt_thousandSeparator: 'Binlik basamak ayırıcı', opt_blockAutoComplete: 'Block Auto-Complete in Firefox', opt_showDeficient: 'Eksik Madenleri Göster', opt_showResources: 'Gelişmiş Maden Bilgisini Göster', opt_showNames: 'Gemi/Bina/Araştırma Resimlerinin Üstünde İsmini Göster', opt_nameColorOn: 'Yazı Rengi: Uygun', opt_nameColorOff: 'Yazı Rengi: Uygun değil', opt_nameColor: 'Yazı Rengi: Yeterli maden yok', opt_showConstructionTitle: 'İnşaat yapımını gezegen listesinde göster', opt_shorter: 'Her zaman gezegen resmini küçült', opt_misc_scrollTitle: 'Sonraki filo haraketini pencere başlığında kayarak göster', opt_uni_SpeedFactor: 'Evrenin Hız Faktörü', opt_uni_DFPercent: 'Filodan çıkan harabe oranı', opt_uni_DefenseToDF: 'Savunmadan çıkan harabe oranı', opt_timeSetting: 'Zaman değerlerini değiştir sadece saat', opt_showOgameClock: 'Sağ üstte ogame sunucu saatini tut', opt_showPhalanx: 'Keep time for Phalanx view', opt_showPageStartTime: 'Sayfanın son yenilenme süresini göster', opt_timeAMPM: '24 yerine 12 saat atını kullan AM/PM', opt_timeDontChange: 'Saati Değiştirme', opt_timeLocal: 'Her zaman yerel saati kullan', opt_time: 'Her zaman sunucu saatini kullan', opt_killTips: 'Kill tooltips', opt_evt_dimReverse: 'Filolar dönerken renklerini soluklaştır', opt_phalanx_showDebris: 'Show theoretical debris in Phalanx view', opt_evt_expandFleetsEvt: 'Show fleet com and cargo List', opt_evt_expandFleetsPhal: 'Show fleet com and cargo Phalanx', opt_galaxyShowRank: 'Galaksi görünümünde Oyuncu/İttifak sırasını göster', opt_galaxyRankColor: 'Oyuncu/İttifak Seviyesini Renklendir', opt_galaxyDebrisMin: 'Enkaz alanını renkli göstermek için gerekli en az sayı kapatmak için 0 yazın', opt_galaxyDebrisColor: 'Enkaz alanını renkli göster', opt_galaxyHideMoon: 'Hide Moon picture display moon size instead', opt_galaxy_Ps: 'Highlight the following ps', opt_galaxy_PColors: 'Oyuncuları vurgulamak için renkler', opt_galaxy_Allys: 'Highlight the following alliances', opt_galaxy_AllyColors: 'Colors for alliance highlighting', opt_galaxy_keepTipsPlanets: 'Keep tooltips for planets and moons', opt_galaxy_keepTipsDebris: 'Keep tooltips for debris fields', opt_msg_PlunderThreshold: 'Low limit for theoretical plunder x1000', opt_msg_DebrisThreshold: 'Low limit for theoretical debris x1000', opt_msg_foldSmallPlunder: 'Fold res with plunder and debris less than the limit', opt_msg_showPlunder: 'Yağma miktarını casusluk raporlarında göster', opt_msg_adds: 'Mesajlarda Ek Butonlar', opt_msg_fixColors: 'Fix colors of combat res', opt_fleet_showCapacity: 'Gemi kapesitesini ve hızını göster', opt_fleet1_showResCalc: 'Maden hesaplayıcısını göster', opt_uni_maxPScore: 'En güçlü oyuncu 5m dan fazla puana sahip', opt_autocopyCoords: 'Koordinatları Otomatik Kopyala', opt_autocopyGlobal: 'Memorize coordinates from any page not only current Ogame universe tabs', opt_fleet2_setTargetDF: 'Filoda geri dönüşümcü varsa hedefi harabe seç', opt_fleet2_fixLayout: 'Fix flight ination layout page 2', opt_fleet2_Shorts: 'Target shorts page 2', opt_fleet2_MoonColor: 'Color for moons in the short list', opt_fleet2_MoonsToEnd: 'Move moons to the end of the shorts list', opt_fleet2_expandLists: 'Expand drop-down es Speed, Shortcuts, A', opt_fleet2_checkProbeCapacity: 'Check probes capacity before departurepage 2', opt_missionPriority: 'Görev Önceliği', opt_mvmt_expandFleets: 'Filo gemilerini ve nakliyeyi göster', opt_mvmt_showReversal: 'Show reversal time for fleets', opt_missAttack: 'Görev Rengi: Saldırmak', opt_missColony: 'Görev Rengi: Sömürgeleştirmek', opt_missDeploy: 'Görev Rengi: Konuşlandırmak', opt_missDestroy: 'Görev Rengi: Ay Yok Etmek', opt_missEspionage: 'Görev Rengi: Casusluk', opt_missExpedition: 'Görev Rengi: Keşif', opt_missFederation: 'Görev Rengi: İttifak Saldırısı', opt_missHarvest: 'Görev Rengi: Harabe Alanını', opt_missHold: 'Görev Rengi: İttifak Savunması', opt_missTrans: 'Görev Rengi: Nakliye', opt_msg_addSim: 'Casusluk raporlarına simülatör butonu ekle', lbl_missAttack: 'Saldırmak', lbl_missColony: 'Sömürgeleştirmek', lbl_missDeploy: 'Konuşlandırmak', lbl_missDestroy: 'Ay Yok Etmek', lbl_missEspionage: 'Casusluk', lbl_missExpedition: 'Keşif', lbl_missFederation: 'İttifak Saldırısı', lbl_missHarvest: 'Harabe Alanını Sök', lbl_missHold: 'İttifak Savunması', lbl_missTrans: 'Nakliye', lbl_sectionGeneral: 'Genel', lbl_sectionUniverse: 'Evren', lbl_sectionTime: 'Saat Ayarları', lbl_sectionList: ' list & Phalanx', lbl_sectionGalaxy: 'Galaksi', lbl_sectionMessages: 'Mesajlar', lbl_sectionFleetDispatch: 'Filo Görevleri', lbl_sectionFleetMovement: 'Filo Haraketleri', lbl_sNote1: 'Bu seçenek sadece bu gezegen için kaydedildi', lbl_Coords: 'Sıfırla - ', lbl_TotalCapacity: 'Toplam Kapesite', lbl_MinSpeed: 'Hız', lbl_ExPoints: 'Karşılık Gelen Puan', lbl_mvmt_Return: 'R', lbl_resources: 'Madenler', lbl_debris: 'Enkaz Alanı', lbl_total: 'Toplam', lbl_loot: 'Yağma', lbl_l: 'l', lbl_crystal: 'Kristal', lbl_shipSCargoAlt: 'KN', lbl_shipLCargoAlt: 'BN', lbl_shipRecyclerAlt: 'Madenler', lbl_shipSatelliteAlt: 'Sat.', lbl_deficientRes: 'Eksik Madenler', lbl_Production: 'Üretim', lbl_ArrivalACS: 'Varış İSS', lbl_btnMarkReadAll: 'Görüntülenen tüm mesajları okundu say', lbl_btnDeleteSmallPlunder: 'Delete spy res with plunder < $plunder and debris < $debris', lbl_Moon: 'Ay', lbl_onTop: 'Üstte', lbl_onBottom: 'Altta', lbl_onLeft: 'Solda', lbl_installNewVersion: 'Yeni versiyonu kurmak için tıklayın', lbl_Save: 'Kaydet', lbl_Clear: 'Temizle', lbl_Quantity: 'Miktar', lbl_Duration: 'Durma Süresi', lbl_Consumption: 'Tüketim', lbl_tmTime: 'Süre', lbl_tmCountdown: 'Geri sayım' ; var s = // General : '', update_check: true, blockAutoComplete: true, thousandSeparator: '--', showDeficient : true, showResources : 1, showNames: true, nameColorOn: '#FFFFFF', nameColorOff: '#777777', nameColor: '#D43635', showConstructionTitle: true, shorter: false, misc_scrollTitle: false, // Universe uni_SpeedFactor: 1, uni_DFPercent: 30, uni_DefenseToDF: 0, // Time settings timeSetting: 1, // 0 - leave as is, 1 - local everywhere, 2 - everywhere showOgameClock: false, showPhalanx: false, showPageStartTime: false, timeAMPM: false, showFinishTime: true, // List & Phalanx evt_dimReverse: true, phalanx_showDebris: true, evt_expandFleetsEvt: true, evt_expandFleetsPhal: true, // Fleet Movement missAttack: '#66CC33', missColony: '#C1C1C1', missDeploy: '#666666', missDestroy: '#FFFF99', missEspionage: '#FFCC66', missExpedition: '#5555BB', missFederation: '#CC6666', missHarvest: '#CEFF68', missHold: '#80A0C0', missTrans: '#A0FFA0', missMissile: '#FFCC66', mvmt_expandFleets: true, mvmt_showReversal: true, // Fleet Dispatch // 1 - attack 2 - federation 3 - trans 4 - deploy 5 - hold 6 - espionage // 7 - colonization 8 - recycle 9 - destroy 15 - expedition mission1: 6, mission2: 1, mission3: 4, mission4: 3, mission5: 9, fleet_showCapacity: true, fleet1_showResCalc: true, uni_maxPScore: false, fleet1_killTips: false, fleet2_fixLayout: true, autocopyCoords: false, autocopyGlobal: false, fleet2_setTargetDF: false, fleet2_Shorts: "", fleet2_MoonColor: "#0000FF", fleet2_MoonsToEnd: false, fleet2_expandLists: true, fleet2_checkProbeCapacity: true, // Galaxy galaxyShowRank: true, galaxyRankColor: '#DDDDDD', galaxyRank10: '#FFFF40', galaxyRank50: '#FFDF00', galaxyRank100: '#FFBF00', galaxyRank200: '#FF8F00', galaxyRank800: '#33FF33', galaxyRank0: '#305060', galaxyDebrisMin: 10000, galaxyDebrisColor: '#FF0000', galaxyHideMoon: false, galaxy_killTips: false, galaxy_keepTipsPlanets: true, galaxy_keepTipsDebris: true, galaxy_Ps: 'Legor,p 2', galaxy_PColors: '#FF0000,#2222FF', galaxy_Allys: 'alliance 1,alliance 2', galaxy_AllyColors: '#FF00FF,#00FFFF', // Messages msg_PlunderThreshold: 10, msg_DebrisThreshold: 20, msg_foldSmallPlunder: true, msg_showPlunder: true, msg_fixColors: true, msg_adds: true, msg_killTips: false, msg_addSim: 1, // 0 - no, 1 - WebSim, 2 - DragoSim Labels: null, Interface: null, uni_s: fleet2_Shorts:1, galaxyDebrisMin:1, msg_PlunderThreshold:1, msg_DebrisThreshold:1, galaxy_Ps:1, galaxy_PColors:1, galaxy_Allys:1, galaxy_AllyColors:1, fleet2_fixLayout:1, uni_SpeedFactor:1, uni_DFPercent:1, uni_DefenseToDF:1, uni_maxPScore:1 , saves: try var str = ''; var str_uni = ''; for var i in s var = s;
var type = typeof(param);
if (type == 'number' || type == 'string' || type == 'boolean') {
// uni-specific options
if (this.uni_options) {
if (str_uni != '') str_uni +='&';
str_uni += i+'='+param;
// global options
else {
if (str != '') str +='&';
str += i+'='+param;
if (Utils.gmEnabled){
Utils.setValue('antigame', str);
Utils.setValueUni('antigame', str_uni);
else {
str += '&' + str_uni;
Utils.setValue('antigame', str);
catch (e) { Utils.log(e); }
loadOptions: function()
try {
var str = Utils.getValue('antigame');
var str_uni = Utils.getValueUni('antigame');
if (!str)
// read the settings in the old format (cookies)
if (Utils.isOpera)
str = Utils.getValue('antigame', '', 'COOKIE');
if (str) Utils.setValue('antigame', str); // save it again in localStorage
if (!str) return;
if (str_uni) str += '&' + str_uni;
str = str.split('&');
for (var i=0; i.split('=');
if (!pair || pair.length != 2) continue;
var param = Options[pair[0]];
switch (typeof(param))
case('number'): if ( !isNaN(parseInt(pair[1],10)) ) Options[pair[0]] = parseInt(pair[1],10); break;
case('string'): Options[pair[0]] = pair[1]; break;
case('boolean'): Options[pair[0]] = (pair[1]=='true' ? true: false); break;
default: ;
catch (e) { Utils.log(e); }
setOptionWithValidation: function(name, value)
var oldtype = this.getValueType(Options[name]);
var newtype = this.getValueType(value);
var ok = false;
if (name=='galaxy_PlayerColors' || name=='galaxy_AllyColors') {
ok = true;
else if ( (oldtype != 'number' && oldtype != 'color') || oldtype == newtype )
if (oldtype == 'color')
value = value.toUpperCase();
ok = true;
if (ok) Options[name] = value;
getValueType: function(value)
if (!value) return typeof(value);
var val = value.toString();
if ( val.replace(/\d{1,10}/i, '') == '' ) return 'number';
if ( val.replace(/#[A-F\d]{6,6}/i, '') == '' ) return 'color';
return 'string';
insertCSSRules: function()
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window { position:absolute; left: 200px; top:100px; width:600px; background:#202025; border: 1px solid #555555; z-index:1000; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window div[id] { ' +
'padding: 10px; ' +
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window div#note { text-align: left; padding-bottom: 0; font-size: 10px; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window span.notemark, div#note { color: #3344CC; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window #content { text-align: left; max-height: 400px; overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:scroll; border-top: 1px #555555 dashed; border-bottom: 1px #555555 dashed; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window #content .sectiontitle { text-align: left; padding: 1px 0 1px 40%; border: 1px solid #772277; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 4px; font-weight: 700; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window #content .sectiontitle:hover { border-color: yellow; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window .section table { width: 100%; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window .section td.input { width: 20em; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window #content td { ' +
'padding: 0.2em;' +
'text-align: left;' +
'font-size: 11px;' +
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window input[type="text"] { ' +
'width: 8em;' +
Utils.insertCSSRule('#anti_options_window input[type="text"].long { ' +
'width: 18em;' +
Utils.insertCSSRule('.anti_button { display: block; float: left; width: 50px; background:#442233; border: 2px black solid; text-decoration: none; margin: 0px 5px 5px 5px; padding: 2px 5px; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.anti_button:hover { background:#664466; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#btnHomePage { width: 80px; }');
addOptionsButton: function()
try {
var $ = Utils.$;
var item = $('#menuTable li').eq(1).clone(true);
var img =
.click(function(){ setTimeout( function(){
}, 0) })
.bind('click', Options.showWindow)
.find('.textlabel').html('Antigame v'+version);
catch (e) { Utils.log(e); }
hideWindow: function(save)
try {
var $ = Utils.unsafeWindow.$;
if (save) {
var inputs = $('#anti_options_window input, #anti_options_window select');
for (var i=0; i';
return str;
function createButtonHref(id, href, label) {
var str = '' +
(label || Options.Interface['opt_'+id]) + '';
return str;
function addItem(label, content, newrow) {
if(typeof(newrow) == 'undefined') newrow = true;
var str = ''+label+' '+content+' ';
if (newrow) str = '' + str + ' ';
return str;
function createSelect(id, options, label, newrow) {
if(typeof(newrow) == 'undefined') newrow = true;
if(typeof(label) == 'undefined' || label == '-auto-') label = Options.Interface['opt_'+id];
var str = '';
for (var i=0; i'+options.text+'';
str = '< id="'+id+'">' + str + '';
str = addItem(label, str, newrow);
return str;
function createInput(id,label,newrow) {
var param = Options[id];
var type, class_attr='';
if (typeof(param)=='boolean') type = 'checkbox';
if ((typeof(param) == 'string' || typeof(param) == 'number') ) type = 'text';
if(!type) return;
if (id == 'galaxy_PlayerColors' || id == 'galaxy_AllyColors') class_attr = 'class="color long"';
else if (Options.getValueType(param) == 'color') class_attr = 'class="color"';
else if (typeof(param) == 'string') class_attr = 'class="long"';
if(typeof(newrow) == 'undefined') newrow = true;
if(typeof(label) == 'undefined' || label == '-auto-') label = Options.Interface['opt_'+id];
if (Options.uni_options[id]) label += ' ' + notemark;
var str = addItem(label, '< id="'+id+'" ="'++'" '+_attr+'>', newrow);
return str;
function startSection(title, classname) {
classname = classname || '';
classname += ' section';
title = title || ' ';
var str = '';
return str;
function endSection() {
return '
var $ = Utils.unsafeWindow.$;
// prepare dropdown boxes
// missions
var missions = [
{value:1, text:Options.Interface.lbl_missAttack},
{value:3, text:Options.Interface.lbl_missTransport},
{value:4, text:Options.Interface.lbl_missDeploy},
{value:5, text:Options.Interface.lbl_missHold},
{value:6, text:Options.Interface.lbl_missEspionage},
{value:9, text:Options.Interface.lbl_missDestroy},
missions.sort( function (a,b) { return (a.text==b.text) ? 0 : (a.text.opt_languageName} );
// Thousand separator
var separator_list = [
{value:'--', text: Options.Interface.opt_btnDefault},
{value:'', text: '-'},
{value:'.', text: '"."'},
{value:',', text: '","'},
{value:' ', text: '" "'}
// Time settings
// 0 - leave as is, 1 - local everywhere, 2 - server everywhere
var time_settings = [
{value:0, text: Options.Interface.opt_timeDontChange},
{value:1, text: Options.Interface.opt_timeLocal},
{value:2, text: Options.Interface.opt_timeServer}
// Resources info position
var res_positions = [
{value:0, text: ' - '},
{value:1, text: Options.Interface.lbl_onBottom},
{value:2, text: Options.Interface.lbl_onLeft}
// Sim button
var sim_buttons = [
{value:0, text: ' - '},
{value:1, text: 'WebSim'},
{value:2, text: 'DragoSim'}
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'hidden';
div.id = 'anti_options_window';
div.innerHTML =
marker.id = 'update_marker';
marker.title = Options.Interface.lbl_installNewVersion + ': '+newversion;
var btnAntiOptions = document.getElementById('btnAntiOptions');
if(btnAntiOptions) btnAntiOptions.parentNode.appendChild(marker);
handleUpdateResponse: function(response)
try {
var newversion = response.responseText;
if (!newversion) return;
Utils.setValue('update_Version', newversion);
Utils.setValue('update_LastTS', (new Date()).getTime().toString());
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
checkUpdate: function()
var last;
var now = (new Date()).getTime();
last = parseInt(Utils.getValue('update_LastTS',0),10);
if (!last) last = 0;
if ( now-last < 100060604 .showUpdateMarker; else var = 'http://ogamespec.com/tools/antigame_version.php'; Utils.httpRequestmethod:'GET',:,:responses.handleUpdateResponseresponse; , copyMissingProperties: , parent, strChild var dst = parentstrChild; if !dst parentstrChild = ; return; if === dst return; for i in if !dst || typeof(src) != typeof(dst) )
dst = src;
readResLabels: function()
function getValueFromId(id) {
var node = document.getElementById(id);
if (!node || !node.title) return;
var t = node.title;
var res;
if (t.indexOf('') > -1)
res = t.match(/^\|*\s*(.+):\s*/i);
res = res && res[1];
else // 2.2.6
res = t.split(':')[0];
return res;
this.Labels.lbl_metal = getValueFromId('metal_box');
this.Labels.lbl_crystal = getValueFromId('crystal_box');
this.Labels.lbl_deuterium = getValueFromId('deuterium_box');
this.Labels.lbl_energy = getValueFromId('energy_box');
this.Labels.lbl_darkmatter = getValueFromId('darkmatter_box');
initLang: function()
if (!this.language) this.language = Utils.server_lang;
var external_langpack = Utils.unsafeWindow.AntiGame_lang;
if (external_langpack)
for (var i in external_langpack)
AntiGame_lang = external_langpack;
this.Interface = AntiGame_lang['Interface'+this.language];
this.Labels = AntiGame_lang['Labels'+Utils.server_lang];
this.copyMissingProperties(AntiGame_lang.LabelsEN, this, 'Labels');
this.copyMissingProperties(AntiGame_lang.InterfaceEN, this, 'Interface');
Init: function()
if (Utils.uni_prefix == 'UNI42_ORG') this.uni_SpeedFactor = 2;
else if (Utils.uni_prefix == 'ELECTRA_ORG') this.uni_SpeedFactor = 4;
else if (Utils.uni_prefix == 'CAPELLA_RU') this.uni_SpeedFactor = 4;
this.Interface.lbl_btnDeleteSmallPlunder = this.Interface.lbl_btnDeleteSmallPlunder
.replace( '$plunder', Utils.formatNumber(this.msg_PlunderThreshold*1000) )
.replace( '$debris', Utils.formatNumber(this.msg_DebrisThreshold*1000) )
this.Interface.opt_galaxy_killTips = this.Interface.opt_killTips + ' ('+this.Interface.lbl_sectionGalaxy+')';
this.Interface.opt_fleet1_killTips = this.Interface.opt_killTips + ' ('+this.Interface.lbl_sectionFleetDispatch+' 1)';
this.Interface.opt_msg_killTips = this.Interface.opt_killTips + ' ('+this.Interface.lbl_sectionMessages+')';
// =======================================================================
// Date/Time functions
// =======================================================================
var DateTime =
TimeDelta: 0,
TimeZoneDelta: 0,
InitialServerTime: 0,
getTimeDelta: function()
if (Utils.isCurrentPage('showmessage,eventList,phalanx'))
this.TimeZoneDelta = parseInt(Utils.getValueUni('TimeZoneDelta', 0), 10);
this.TimeDelta = 0;
if (!Utils.script) return;
var now = new Date();
// timezone correction
if (Utils.ogameVersion == '1.2.1') {
var script = Utils.script;
var starttime = script.innerHTML.match(/currTime\.setTime\(\((\d+)-startServerTime/i);
if (!starttime) return;
starttime = parseInt(starttime[1],10);
this.InitialServerTime = starttime;
this.TimeZoneDelta = - (Utils.unsafeWindow.localTime.getTime() - Utils.unsafeWindow.startServerTime);
this.TimeDelta = now.getTime() - starttime;
else { // ogame 1.1
this.InitialServerTime = Utils.unsafeWindow.serverTime;
if (!this.InitialServerTime) return;
this.InitialServerTime = this.InitialServerTime.getTime();
// server time (using current timezone) - local time
this.TimeDelta = now.getTime() - this.InitialServerTime;
this.TimeZoneDelta = - ( now.getTimezoneOffset()/60 + /*Utils.unsafeWindow.TimezoneOffset*/2 ) *60*60*1000;
if (!Utils.isCurrentPage('showmessage,eventList'))
Utils.setValueUni('TimeZoneDelta', this.TimeZoneDelta);
LZ: function(x)
return (x<0||x>9?"":"0") + x;
getDatePart: function (date)
return Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(),date.getMonth(),date.getDate());
getFinishTime: function(tick)
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(this.InitialServerTime + parseInt(tick)*1000, 10);
return date;
formatTime: function(tick)
var h = Math.floor(tick/60/60);
tick -= h*60*60;
var m = Math.floor(tick/60);
tick -= m*60;
return this.LZ(h)+':'+this.LZ(m)+':'+this.LZ(tick);
formatDate: function (date, format, asis)
var str = "";
try {
if (!format || format=="") {
format = '[H]::[s]';
var now = new Date();
if (this.getDatePart(now) != this.getDatePart(date) )
format = '[d]/
' + format;
var str = format;
var hours = date.getHours();
if (!asis && Options.timeAMPM && str.indexOf('[H]') > -1 ) {
str += ' ' + ( (hours>=0 && hours<12 ? 'AM' : 'PM' ; if hours>12) hours -= 12;
else if (hours==0) hours = 12;
str = str.replace("[d]",this.LZ(date.getDate()));
str = str.replace("
", this.LZ(date.getMonth()+1));
str = str.replace("[Y]", date.getFullYear());
str = str.replace("[y]", date.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,4));
str = str.replace("[H]", this.LZ(hours));
str = str.replace("", this.LZ(date.getMinutes()));
str = str.replace("[s]",this.LZ(date.getSeconds()));
catch (e) { Utils.log(e); }
return str;
formatDate2: function (date, format)
if (Options.timeSetting == 1)
return DateTime.formatDate(date, format);
return DateTime.formatDateServer(date, format);
formatDateServer: function (date, format)
if (!format || format=="") {
format = '[H]::[s]';
var now = new Date();
if (this.getDatePart(now) != this.getDatePart(date) )
format = '[d]/
' + format;
date.setTime (date.getTime() - this.TimeZoneDelta );
return DateTime.formatDate( date, format);
parseTime: function (strTime)
if (!strTime) return 0;
strTime = strTime.replace(/[^0-9:]/,'');
var parts = strTime.split(':');
if (!parts || parts.length != 3) return 0;
return (parseInt(parts[0],10)*60*60 + parseInt(parts[1],10)*60 + parseInt(parts[2],10)) * 1000;
// d = day, m = month, y = year (2 digits), Y = year (4 digits), H = hour (2 digits), i = minutes, s = seconds
parse: function (strDate, format)
strDate = strDate.toString();
var str = format.match(/\[[dmyYHis]\]/g);
if (!str || !str.length) return null;
var rx = format;
rx = rx.replace(/\./g,'\\.');
rx = rx.replace(/\//g,'\\/');
rx = rx.replace(/\-/g,'\\-');
var index = {};
for (var i=0; i;
if (token == '[Y]') rx = rx.replace(token, '(\\d{4,4})');
else if (token == '[y]') rx = rx.replace(token, '(\\d{2,2})');
else rx = rx.replace(token, '(\\d{1,2})');
token = token.substr(1,1);
index[token] = i+1;
str = strDate.match(new RegExp(rx, ''));
if (!str || !str.length) return null;
var date = new Date();
date.setSeconds(0); date.setMinutes(0); date.setHours(0);
if (str[index.s]) date.setSeconds(str[index.s]);
if (str[index.i]) date.setMinutes(str[index.i]);
if (str[index.H]) date.setHours(str[index.H]);
if (str[index.Y]) date.setFullYear(str[index.Y]);
else if (str[index.y]) {
var year = date.getFullYear();
year = Math.floor(year / 100) * 100 + str[index.y];
if (year > date.getFullYear()) year -= 100;
if (str[index.d]) date.setDate(1);
if (str[index.m]) date.setMonth(str[index.m] - 1);
if (str[index.d]) date.setDate(str[index.d]);
return date;
parse2: function(strDate, timeFormat, dateFormat)
if (!strDate) return null;
if (!timeFormat) {
timeFormat = '[H]::[s]';
dateFormat = '[d].
var str = strDate.toString();
if (!dateFormat)
return this.parse(str, timeFormat, true);
var time = this.parse(str, timeFormat);
var date = this.parse(str, dateFormat);
if (!date && !time) return null;
var newDate = new Date();
if (date) {
if (time) {
return newDate;
convertDateServer2Local: function(date)
var newDate = new Date();
newDate.setTime( date.getTime() + this.TimeZoneDelta );
return newDate;
convertStringServer2Local: function (strDate, timeFormat, dateFormat)
if (!timeFormat) {
timeFormat = '[H]::[s]';
dateFormat = '[d].
var oldDate = this.parse2(strDate, timeFormat, dateFormat);
if (!oldDate) return strDate;
var newDate = this.convertDateServer2Local(oldDate);
var str = strDate.toString();
str = str.replace(this.formatDate(oldDate,timeFormat, true), this.formatDate(newDate,timeFormat));
if (dateFormat) str = str.replace(this.formatDate(oldDate,dateFormat), this.formatDate(newDate,dateFormat));
return str;
changeOgameClocks2Server: function()
var code;
if (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.1') { // ogame 1.1
code = ' function UhrzeitAnzeigen() { var Sekunden = serverTime.getSeconds(); serverTime.setSeconds(Sekunden+1); Uhrzeitanzeige = getFormatedDate(serverTime.getTime() - ' + this.TimeZoneDelta + ', "[d].
.[Y] [H]::[s]"); if(document.getElementById) document.getElementById("OGameClock").innerHTML = Uhrzeitanzeige; else if(document.all) Uhrzeit.innerHTML = Uhrzeitanzeige; } ';
if (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.2.1') { // ogame 1.2.1
var code = ' var func = UhrzeitAnzeigen.toString(); func = func.replace(/(getFormatedDate\\(currTime\\.getTime\\(\\))/i,"$1-(' + this.TimeZoneDelta + ')"); eval(func); ';
changeNodesTime: function (xpath, format, property)
var nodes = Utils.XPath(xpath);
if (!nodes) return;
//property = property || 'innerHTML';
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.snapshotLength; i++)
var node = nodes.snapshotItem(i);
if (property)
node.setAttribute('original_'+property, node[property]);
node[property] = DateTime.convertStringServer2Local(node[property], format);
node.setAttribute('original', node.firstChild.nodeValue);
node.firstChild.nodeValue = DateTime.convertStringServer2Local(node.firstChild.nodeValue, format);
//node[property] = DateTime.convertStringServer2Local(node[property], format);
showPageStartTime: function()
var clock = document.getElementById('OGameClock');
if (!clock) return;
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'StartTime';
div.setAttribute('style', 'color:#848484; font-size:11px; position:absolute; right:1px; text-align:right; top:16px');
//var date = new Date(this.InitialServerTime - (Options.showServerOgameClock?this.TimeZoneDelta:0) );
var date = this.InitialServerTime;
if (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.1' && Options.showServerOgameClock || Utils.ogameVersion=='1.2.1' && ! (Options.timeSetting == 1 && !Options.showServerOgameClock) )
date -= this.TimeZoneDelta;
date = new Date(date);
div.innerHTML = this.formatDate(date, '[d].
.[Y] [H]::[s]');
Utils.insertAfter(div, clock);
Init: function()
if (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.1') { // ogame 1.1
if (Options.timeSetting == 2) {
var code = 'window.old_getFormatedDate = window.getFormatedDate; window.getFormatedDate = function(date,format) { return window.old_getFormatedDate(date-'+this.TimeZoneDelta+',format) }';
if (Options.timeSetting != 2 && Options.showServerOgameClock)
if (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.2.1') { // ogame 1.2.1
if (Options.timeSetting == 1) {
var code = 'window.old_getFormatedDate = window.getFormatedDate; window.getFormatedDate = function(date,format) { return window.old_getFormatedDate(date+'+this.TimeZoneDelta+',format) }';
if ( Options.timeSetting == 1 && Options.showServerOgameClock )
// =======================================================================
// misc functions
// =======================================================================
var storage = (window.localStorage ? localStorage : null);
var Utils =
page: "",
gmEnabled: (typeof GM_getResourceURL == 'function'),
unsafeWindow: ((typeof unsafeWindow) != "undefined" ? unsafeWindow : window),
ogameVersion: '1.1',
// wrappers for JSON functions
// if needed JSON emulation will be added later here
JSON_stringify: function(obj)
return JSON ? JSON.stringify(obj) : null;
JSON_parse: function(str)
return JSON ? JSON.parse(str) : null;
// wrappers for GM functions
xmlhttpRequest: ((typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest) != "undefined" ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : function(){}),
setValue: function ( name, value )
if( !name ) return;
if (Utils.gmEnabled)
GM_setValue(name, value);
else if (localStorage)
localStorage.setItem(name, Utils.JSON_stringify(value));
else {
var lifeTime = 31536000;
document.cookie = escape( cookieName ) + "=" + escape( Utils.getRecoverableString( cookieValue ) ) +
";expires=" + ( new Date( ( new Date() ).getTime() + ( 1000 * lifeTime ) ) ).toGMTString() + ";path=/";
// method: COOKIE, GM, STORAGE
getValue: function ( name, default_value, method )
if (!method)
if (Utils.gmEnabled) method = 'GM';
else if (localStorage) method = 'STORAGE';
else method = 'COOKIE';
if (method == 'GM')
return GM_getValue(name, default_value);
else if (method == 'STORAGE')
var value = Utils.JSON_parse(localStorage.getItem(name));
return (value == null && typeof default_value != 'undefined') ? default_value : value;
else {
var cookieJar = document.cookie.split( "; " );
for( var x = 0; x < Jar.length; x++ var one = Jarx.split "=" ; if one0 == escape name try 'var footm = '+unescape one1 ; catche return default_value; return footm; return default_value; , deletue: name if Utils.gmEnabled GM_deletuename; else if localStorage localStorage.removeItemname; else if .getValuename . = escape name + "=" + ";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT"; , setValueUni: name, value Utils.setValueUtils.uni_prefix + name, value; , getValueUni: name, def return Utils.getValueUtils.uni_prefix + name, def; , deletueUni: name Utils.deletueUtils.uni_prefix + name; , log: str if Utils.gmEnabled GM_logstr; else if Utils.isOpera .opera.postErrorstr; else if Utils.isChrome console.log'Antigame: '+str; , dump: obj, proplist, showUndefined if ofshowUndefined == 'undefined' showUndefined = true; if ofobj != '' var label = proplist ? proplist+': ' : '' ; Utils.log''+label+obj; else if !proplist for var i in obj try if ofobj) != 'function')
Utils.log(i+': '+obj)
} catch(e) {}
else {
var props = proplist.split(',');
for (var i=0; i;
if (showUndefined || typeof(obj[prop]) != 'undefined') Utils.log(prop+': '+obj[props])
} catch(e) {}
getRecoverableString: function(oVar,notFirst)
var oType = typeof(oVar);
if( ( oType == 'null' ) || ( oType == 'object' && !oVar ) ) {
//most browsers say that the typeof for null is 'object', but unlike a real
//object, it will not have any overall value
return 'null';
if( oType == 'undefined' ) { return 'window.uDfXZ0_d'; }
if( oType == 'object' ) {
//Safari throws errors when comparing non-objects with window/document/etc
if( oVar == window ) { return 'window'; }
if( oVar == document ) { return 'document'; }
if( oVar == document.body ) { return 'document.body'; }
if( oVar == document.documentElement ) { return 'document.documentElement'; }
if( oVar.nodeType && ( oVar.childNodes || oVar.ownerElement ) ) { return '{error:\'DOM node\'}'; }
if( !notFirst ) {
Object.prototype.toRecoverableString = function (oBn) {
if( this.tempLockIgnoreMe ) { return '{\'LoopBack\'}'; }
this.tempLockIgnoreMe = true;
var retVal = '{', sepChar = '', j;
for( var i in this ) {
if( i == 'toRecoverableString' || i == 'tempLockIgnoreMe' || i == 'prototype' || i == 'constructor' ) { continue; }
if( oBn && ( i == 'index' || i == 'input' || i == 'length' || i == 'toRecoverableObString' ) ) { continue; }
j = this;
if( !i.match(basicObPropNameValStr) ) {
//for some reason, you cannot use unescape when defining peoperty names inline
for( var x = 0; x < cleanStrFromAr.length; x++ i = i.replacecleanStrFromArx,cleanStrToArx; i = '''+i+'''; else if .ActiveX && navigator.userAgent.indexOf'Mac'+ 1 && !navigator.__ice_version && .Engine && Engine == '' && i.match/^d+$/ //IE mac does not allow numerical property names to be used unless they are quoted i = '''+i+'''; retVal += sepChar+i+':'+getRecoverablej,true; sepChar = ','; retVal += ''; .tempLockIgnoreMe = false; return retVal; ; Array.proto.toRecoverableOb = .proto.toRecoverable; Array.proto.toRecoverable = if .tempLock return ''LoopBack''; if !.length var oCountProp = 0; for var i in if i != 'toRecoverable' && i != 'toRecoverableOb' && i != 'tempLockIgnoreMe' && i != 'proto' && i != 'constructor' && i != 'index' && i != '' && i != 'length' oCountProp++; if oCountProp return .toRecoverableObtrue; .tempLock = true; var retVal = ''; for var i = 0; i < .length; i++ retVal += i?',':''+getRecoverable,true);
retVal += ']';
delete this.tempLock;
return retVal;
Boolean.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () {
return ''+this+'';
Date.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () {
return 'new Date('+this.getTime()+')';
Function.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () {
return this.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'').replace(/^function\s*\w*\([^\)]*\)\s*\{\s*\[native\s+code\]\s*\}$/i,'function () {[\'native code\'];}');
Number.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () {
if( isNaN(this) ) { return 'Number.NaN'; }
if( this == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) { return 'Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY'; }
if( this == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ) { return 'Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY'; }
return ''+this+'';
RegExp.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () {
return '\/'+this.source+'\/'+(this.global?'g':'')+(this.ignoreCase?'i':'');
String.prototype.toRecoverableString = function () {
var oTmp = escape(this);
if( oTmp == this ) { return '\''+this+'\''; }
return 'unescape(\''+oTmp+'\')';
if( !oVar.toRecoverableString ) { return '{error:\'internal object\'}'; }
var oTmp = oVar.toRecoverableString();
if( !notFirst ) {
//prevent it from changing for...in loops that the page may be using
delete Object.prototype.toRecoverableString;
delete Array.prototype.toRecoverableObString;
delete Array.prototype.toRecoverableString;
delete Boolean.prototype.toRecoverableString;
delete Date.prototype.toRecoverableString;
delete Function.prototype.toRecoverableString;
delete Number.prototype.toRecoverableString;
delete RegExp.prototype.toRecoverableString;
delete String.prototype.toRecoverableString;
return oTmp;
whenrendered: function(f)
if (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(document.body, null)) f();
else setTimeout(function(){Utils.whenrendered(f)}, 100);
addSpanMark: function(value, content)
var className = !value ? 'middlemark' : value > 0 ? 'undermark' : 'overmark';
content = content || ('(' + ( (value>0)?'+':'' ) + Utils.formatNumber(value) + ')' );
return ''+content+'';
blockAutocomplete: function()
var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
for (var i=0; i.setAttribute('autocomplete','off');
checkRedesign: function()
return (this.unsafeWindow.$ || this.isCurrentPage('showmessage')) ? true : false;
createStyleSheet: function()
Utils.stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1];
formatNumber: function (num)
var separator = ( (Options.thousandSeparator == '--') ? this.separator : Options.thousandSeparator) || '';
num = ''+num;
if (!separator || isNaN(num)) return num;
var group, res='';
while (group = num.slice(-3)) {
res = (res && group != '-') ? group+separator+res : group+res;
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else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.BR/') > -1) this.server = 'BR'; // Brasil
else if (server.indexOf('CN.OGAME.ORG/') > -1) this.server = 'CN'; // China
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else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.DE/') > -1) this.server = 'DE'; // Germany
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.DK/') > -1) this.server = 'DK'; // Denmark
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.ES/') > -1) this.server = 'ES'; // Spain
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else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.GR/') > -1) this.server = 'GR'; // Greece
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.HR/') > -1) this.server = 'HR'; // Croatia
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.HU/') > -1) this.server = 'HU'; // Hungary
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.IT/') > -1) this.server = 'IT'; // Italy
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.JP/') > -1) this.server = 'JP'; // Japan
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME2.CO.KR/') > -1) this.server = 'KR'; // Korea
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.LT/') > -1) this.server = 'LT'; // Lithuania
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.LV/') > -1) this.server = 'LV'; // Latvia
else if (server.indexOf('MX.OGAME.ORG/') > -1) this.server = 'MX'; // Mexico
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.NL/') > -1) this.server = 'NL'; // Netherlands
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.NO/') > -1) this.server = 'NO'; // Norway
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.PL/') > -1) this.server = 'PL'; // Poland
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.COM.PT/') > -1) this.server = 'PT'; // Portugal
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else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.TW/') > -1) this.server = 'TW'; // Taiwan
else if (server.indexOf('OGAME.US/') > -1 ) this.server = 'US'; // USA
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Init: function()
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this.separator = this.unsafeWindow.LocalizationStrings['thousandSeperator'] || '.';
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// server abbr, server language, uni, speedfactor, page name
if (document.location.href.match(/http:\/\/.+\.ogame\..+\/game\/index\.php\?page=*/i)) this.ogame = true;
else this.ogame = false;
var array = document.location.search.match(/&session=([0-9a-f]*)/i);
this.session = array ? array[1] : null;
// =======================================================================
// Ogame formulas and functions
// =======================================================================
var Ogame =
used_techs: [109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 117, 118],
createShip: function (id, name, metal, crystal, drive, speed, capacity, consumption, exp)
var ship = new Object();
ship.name = name;
ship.metal = metal;
ship.crystal = crystal;
switch (drive) {
case 1: drive = this.TECH_COMB_DRIVE; break;
case 2: drive = this.TECH_IMPULSE_DRIVE; break;
case 3: drive = this.TECH_HYPER_DRIVE; break;
default: drive = this.TECH_COMB_DRIVE; break;
ship.drive = drive;
ship.speed = speed;
ship.capacity = capacity;
ship.consumption = consumption || 0;
ship.exp = exp;
this.ships[id] = ship;
createDef: function (id, name, metal, crystal)
var def = new Object();
def.name = name;
def.metal = metal;
def.crystal = crystal;
this.defs[id] = def;
readTechs: function()
try {
this.techs = [];
Utils.$('#buttonz a.detail_button').each(
function() {
Ogame.techs[this.getAttribute('ref')] =
Utils.parseInt( Utils.$(this).find('.level').get(0).lastChild.nodeValue );
} );
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
readTemperature: function()
// ---------
// min t
// ---------
this.temperature = 0;
var node = this.getActivePlanet();
if (!node) return;
var t = node.title.match(/
[^\d\-]*([\d\-]+)/i); if (!t) return; this.temperature = parseInt(t[1],10); }, readActivePlanet: function() { try { this.active_planet = null; var nodes = Utils.XPath('//A[contains(@class,"planetlink")][@title]'); if (!nodes) return; if (nodes.snapshotLength == 1) this.active_planet = nodes.snapshotItem(0); else for (var i=0; i -1 ) {
this.active_planet = nodes.snapshotItem(i);
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
getActivePlanet: function()
if (this.active_planet == null) this.readActivePlanet();
return this.active_planet;
getCoordsFromPlanet: function(planet)
if (!planet) return { galaxy:0, system:0, planet:0, type:0, name:'' };
var name = Utils.XPathSingle('SPAN[@class="planet-name"]', planet).innerHTML;
var coords = Utils.XPathSingle('SPAN[@class="planet-koords"]', planet).innerHTML;
var type = 1;
coords = coords.replace(/[\[\]]/g,'').split(':');
var res = {
galaxy: parseInt(coords[0],10),
system: parseInt(coords[1],10),
planet: parseInt(coords[2],10),
type: type,
name: name
return res;
getActiveCoords: function()
return this.getCoordsFromPlanet(this.getActivePlanet());
readOfficers: function()
function checkOfficer(i) {
return officers.get(i).src.indexOf('_un.gif') == -1;
var officers = Utils.$('#officers a img');
this.engineer = checkOfficer(2);
this.geologist = checkOfficer(3);
getTech: function(id)
if (this.techs == null) this.loadTechs();
if(!this.techs.length) { this.showNoTechWarning(); } // will return undefined anyway in order to show (with NaNs) why it's important to visit Researches
return this.techs[id];
getTemperature: function()
if (this.temperature == null) this.readTemperature();
return this.temperature;
getGeologist: function()
if (this.geologist == null) this.readOfficers();
return this.geologist;
getEngineer: function()
if (this.engineer == null) this.readOfficers();
return this.engineer;
getConsumption: function(id, level)
if (!id || level<0 return; if level == 0 return 0; var res = 0; if id == 12 res = Math.floor 10 level Math.pow1.1, level s.uni_SpeedFactor; return Math.floorres; , getProduction: id, level if !id || level<0 return; // solar sat. if id == 212 return Math.floor .getTemperature+40 + 140 / 6 .getEngineer ? 1.1 : 1; if level == 0 return id==1 ? 20 s.uni_SpeedFactor : id==2 ? 10 s.uni_SpeedFactor : 0; var res = 0; if id == 1 res = 30 level Math.pow1.1, level; else if id == 2 res = 20 level Math.pow1.1, level; else if id == 3 res = 10 level Math.pow1.1, level 1.28 - 0.002 .getTemperature2; else if id == 4 res = 20 level Math.pow1.1, level; else if id == 12 res = 30 level Math.pow 1.05 + .getTech.TECH_ENERGY 0.01, level; if id==1 || id==2 || id==3 res = Math.floorres s.uni_SpeedFactor; if id <=3 && .getGeologist res = Math.floorres 1.1; else if id>3 && this.getEngineer())
res = Math.floor(res) * 1.1;
return Math.floor( res + this.getProduction(id, 0) );
getStorageCapacity: function(id, level)
if (!id || level<0) return;
if (id != 22 && id != 23 && id != 24) return;
var res;
switch (level) {
case 0: res = 10; break;
case 1: res = 20; break;
case 2: res = 40; break;
case 3: res = 75; break;
case 4: res = 140; break;
case 5: res = 255; break;
case 6: res = 470; break;
case 7: res = 865; break;
case 8: res = 1590; break;
case 9: res = 2920; break;
case 10: res = 5355; break;
case 11: res = 9820; break;
case 12: res = 18005; break;
case 13: res = 33005; break;
case 14: res = 60510; break;
case 15: res = 110925; break;
case 16: res = 203350; break;
case 17: res = 372785; break;
case 18: res = 683385; break;
case 19: res = 1297589; break;
case 20: res = 2296600; break;
default: res = 0;
return res*1000;
loadTechs: function()
try {
//restore saved values
this.techs = [];
var str = Utils.getValueUni('techs');
if (!str) return;
str = str.split('&');
for (var i=0; i.split('=');
this.techs[ parseInt(pair[0],10) ] = parseInt(pair[1],10);
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
saveTechs: function()
var str = '';
for (var i in this.used_techs) {
var id = this.used_techs;
if (str) str += '&';
str += ''+id+'='+this.techs[id];
Utils.setValueUni('techs', str);
updateShipSpeed: function()
if (this.getTech(this.TECH_IMPULSE_DRIVE) >= 5) {
this.ships[202].speed = 10000;
this.ships[202].drive = this.TECH_IMPULSE_DRIVE;
if (this.getTech(this.TECH_HYPER_DRIVE) >= 8) {
this.ships[211].speed = 5000;
this.ships[211].drive = this.TECH_HYPER_DRIVE;
for (var i in this.ships) {
var ship = this.ships;
var factor = (ship.drive == this.TECH_COMB_DRIVE) ? 0.1 : (ship.drive == this.TECH_IMPULSE_DRIVE) ? 0.2 : 0.3;
ship.speed = Math.floor( ship.speed * (10 + this.getTech(ship.drive) * factor * 10) / 10 );
getFleetDistance: function(current, target)
var diffGalaxy = Math.abs(current.galaxy - target.galaxy);
var diffSystem = Math.abs(current.system - target.system);
var diffPlanet = Math.abs(current.planet - target.planet);
if(diffGalaxy != 0)
return diffGalaxy * 20000;
else if(diffSystem != 0)
return diffSystem * 5 * 19 + 2700;
else if(diffPlanet != 0)
return diffPlanet * 5 + 1000;
return 5;
getFleetDuration: function(id, distance, speed)
return Math.round(((35000 / speed * Math.sqrt(distance * 10 / this.ships[id].speed) + 10) / Options.uni_SpeedFactor ));
getFleetConsumption: function (id, distance, speed)
var duration = this.getFleetDuration(id, distance, speed);
var shipSpeedValue = 35000 / (duration * Options.uni_SpeedFactor - 10) * Math.sqrt(distance * 10 / this.ships[id].speed);
var consumption = this.ships[id].consumption * distance / 35000 * ((shipSpeedValue / 10) + 1) * ((shipSpeedValue / 10) + 1);
return Math.round(consumption) + 1;
// ships = [ {name:'NN', count:XX}, ... ]
getFleetDebris: function(ships, calcDef)
var first = 0, metal = 0, crystal = 0;
for (var i=0; i.name;
var cnt = ships.count;
for (var j in Ogame.ships)
var ship = Ogame.ships[j];
var label = Options.Labels['lbl_ship'+ship.name];
if (label && txt.indexOf(label) > -1)
metal += cnt * ship.metal * Options.uni_DFPercent * 0.01;
crystal += cnt * ship.crystal * Options.uni_DFPercent * 0.01;
first = j;
if (calcDef && Options.uni_DefenseToDF)
for (var j in Ogame.defs)
var def = Ogame.defs[j];
var label = Options.Labels['lbl_def'+def.name];
if (label && txt.indexOf(label) > -1)
metal += cnt * def.metal * Options.uni_DefenseToDF * 0.01;
crystal += cnt * def.crystal * Options.uni_DefenseToDF * 0.01;
first = j;
var recs = Math.ceil( (metal+crystal)/20000 );
return { metal:metal, crystal:crystal, recs: recs };
showNoTechWarning: function()
if (this.noTechWarning_shown) return;
if (Utils.page == 'research') return;
var btnResearch = Utils.XPathSingle('//A[contains(@class,"menubutton") and contains(@href,"page=research")]');
if (!btnResearch) return;
Utils.insertCSSRule('#notech_marker, #notech_marker:hover { display:block !important; width:19px !important; position:relative !important; top:-25px !important; left:-20px !important; padding:0 !important; line-height:normal !important; font-family:Verdana !important; font-weight:700 !important; font-size:16px !important; cursor:pointer !important; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#update_marker { color:orange !important; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#update_marker:hover { color:#FFEE66 !important; }');
var marker = document.createElement('a');
marker.innerHTML = '
marker.id = 'notech_marker';
marker.title = 'Antigame says: Visit the Research page to get the techs.';
marker.setAttribute('href', btnResearch.getAttribute('href'));
this.noTechWarning_shown = true;
Init: function()
this.temperature = this.geologist = this.engineer = this.techs = this.active_planet = null;
var str = document.location.href.match(/:\/\/([^\/]+)\//);
this.prefix = str ? str[1].toUpperCase().replace(/[\.\-]/g, '') : '';
this.ships = [];
// id, name, metal, crystal, drive, speed, capacity, consumption, exp.points
this.createShip(202, 'SCargo', 2000, 2000, 1, 5000, 5000, 20, 12);
this.createShip(203, 'LCargo', 6000, 6000, 1, 7500, 25000, 50, 47);
this.createShip(204, 'LFighter', 3000, 1000, 1, 12500, 50, 0, 12);
this.createShip(205, 'HFighter', 6000, 4000, 2, 10000, 100, 0, 110);
this.createShip(206, 'Cruiser', 20000, 7000, 2, 15000, 800, 0, 47);
this.createShip(207, 'Battleship', 45000, 15000, 3, 10000, 1500, 0, 160);
this.createShip(208, 'Colonizator', 10000, 20000, 2, 2500, 7500, 0, 30);
this.createShip(209, 'Recycler', 10000, 6000, 1, 2000, 20000, 300, 16);
this.createShip(210, 'Spy', 0, 1000, 1, 100000000, 0, 0, 1);
this.createShip(211, 'Bomber', 50000, 25000, 2, 4000, 500, 0, 75);
this.createShip(213, 'Destroyer', 60000, 50000, 3, 5000, 2000, 0, 110);
this.createShip(214, 'RIP', 5000000,4000000,3, 100, 1000000,0, 9000);
this.createShip(215, 'BCruiser', 30000, 40000, 3, 10000, 750, 0, 70);
this.createShip(212, 'Satellite', 0, 2000, 1, 0, 0);
this.defs = [];
this.createDef(401, 'RLauncher', 2000, 0);
this.createDef(402, 'LLaser', 1500, 500);
this.createDef(403, 'HLaser', 6000, 2000);
this.createDef(404, 'Gauss', 20000, 15000);
this.createDef(405, 'Ion', 2000, 6000);
this.createDef(406, 'Plasma', 50000, 50000);
this.createDef(407, 'SShield', 10000, 10000);
this.createDef(408, 'LShield', 50000, 50000);
// =======================================================================
// A few functions for player/ally highlighting
// =======================================================================
var Colorer =
PLAYER: 'Player',
ALLY: 'Ally',
prepare: function(who, names, colors)
try {
if (!names || !colors) return;
names = names.toUpperCase().split(',');
colors = colors.toUpperCase().split(',');
this[who+'Colors'] = [];
for (var i=0; i || colors) this[who+'Colors'][names] = colors;
} catch(e) { Utils.log(e) }
highlight: function(who, xpath, context, parser)
try {
if ( !this[who+'Colors'] ) return;
var node = Utils.XPathSingle(xpath, context);
if(!node || !node.firstChild) return;
var name = Utils.trim(node.firstChild.nodeValue);
if (typeof parser == 'function') name = parser(name);
if(!name) return;
var color = this[who+'Colors'][name.toUpperCase()];
if (color) node.style.color = color;
} catch(e) { Utils.log(e) }
Init: function()
this.prepare(this.PLAYER, Options['galaxy_Players'], Options['galaxy_PlayerColors'] );
this.prepare(this.ALLY, Options['galaxy_Allys'], Options['galaxy_AllyColors'] );
// functions to create simple table like
var SimpleTable =
addCell: function(_key, _value, _value_class, _id)
if (typeof(_key) == 'undefined') _key = '';
if (typeof(_value) == 'undefined') _value = '';
this.data[this.data.length] = { key: _key, value: _value, value_class: _value_class, id: _id, attr: '' };
this.lastCell = this.data[this.data.length-1];
addHref: function (key, value, id)
if (typeof(key) == 'undefined') key = '';
if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') value = '';
var str = ''+Utils.formatNumber(value)+'';
this.addCell(key, str, this.href_class || '', id);
createTableString: function(values_in_row)
function addAttr(attr, value) {
return (value ? attr+'="'+value+'" ' : '');
values_in_row = values_in_row || 1;
var str = '';
for (var i=0; i';
for (var j=0; j' + (cell.key ? cell.key+':' : ' ') + '' +
'' + Utils.formatNumber(cell.value) + ' ';
str += '';
str = '' +
'' + this.title +' ' +
' ' + str + ' ';
return str;
init: function(title, title_class, key_class, value_class)
this.title = title || '';
this.title_class = title_class || '';
this.key_class = key_class || '';
this.value_class = value_class || '';
this.data = new Array();
// =======================================================================
// functions for Coords storing
// =======================================================================
var Coords =
get: function ()
return Options.autocopyGlobal ? Utils.getValue('Coords') : Utils.getValueUni('Coords');
parse: function (str, reg, extract, save)
var found = false;
var matches = str.match(reg);
if (!matches) return false;
for (var i=0; i.toString();
if (extract) coords = coords.replace(reg,"$1");
var temp = coords.split(':');
var g = parseInt(temp[0],10);
var s = parseInt(temp[1],10);
var p = parseInt(temp[2],10);
if (g+"" == temp[0] && s+"" == temp[1] && p+"" == temp[2] &&
!(g < 1 || g > 50) && !(s < 1 || s > 499 || (s > 100 && g > 9)) && !(p < 1 || p > 16))
if (save)
found = true;
return found;
read: function(str, save)
if (typeof(save) == 'undefined') save = true;
if(str.length > 0)
if (this.parse(str, /\[(\d{1,2}:\d{1,3}:\d{1,2})\]/gi,true, save))
return true;
else if (this.parse(str, /\d{1,2}:\d{1,3}:\d{1,2}/gi,false, save))
return true;
else {
str = str.replace(/[>\s\[\(](\d{1,2})[:\.\-\/\s](\d{1,3})[:\.\-\/\s](\d{1,2})[\s\]\)<,./gi,"$1:$2:$3"; str = str.replace/^d1,2:.-/sd1,3:.-/sd1,2s<,./gi,"$1:$2:$3"; str = str.replace/>\s\[\(](\d{1,2})[:\.\-\/\s](\d{1,3})[:\.\-\/\s](\d{1,2})$/gi,"$1:$2:$3");
str = str.replace(/^(\d{1,2})[:\.\-\/\s](\d{1,3})[:\.\-\/\s](\d{1,2})$/gi,"$1:$2:$3");
return this.parse(str, /\d{1,2}:\d{1,3}:\d{1,2}/gi,false, save);
return false;
saved: function()
return ( (Options.autocopyGlobal ? Utils.getValue('CoordsFlag') : Utils.getValueUni('CoordsFlag')) == '1');
set: function (value)
if (Options.autocopyGlobal) {
Utils.setValue('Coords', value);
Utils.setValue('CoordsFlag', '1');
else {
Utils.setValueUni('Coords', value);
Utils.setValueUni('CoordsFlag', '1');
if (Utils.ogame)
reset: function()
if (Options.autocopyGlobal) {
Utils.setValue('Coords', '');
Utils.setValue('CoordsFlag', '0');
else {
Utils.setValueUni('Coords', '');
Utils.setValueUni('CoordsFlag', '0');
initImg: function(img,mouseover)
img = img || document.getElementById('btnCoords');
if (!img) return;
var saved = this.saved();
if (mouseover) {
img.setAttribute('rel', (saved?this.img_on:this.img_off) );
if (!saved)
img.setAttribute('src', this.img_off );
else {
img.setAttribute('src', (saved?this.img_on:this.img_off) );
img.setAttribute('rel', (saved?this.img_hl:this.img_off) );
img.parentNode.style.cursor = saved ? 'pointer': 'default';
onMouseUp: function(e) {
if ((!e) || ((e.ctrlKey) && (!e.keyCode))) return;
var targetclassname = e.target.toString();
try {
if(targetclassname.match(/InputElement|SelectElement|OptionElement/i) || targetclassname.match(/object XUL/i))
catch(e) {
Init: function()
document.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e){ Coords.onMouseUp(e); }, false);
window.addEventListener('focus', function (e){ Coords.initImg(); }, false);
var EventList =
maxClueHeight: (5+14) * 12,
reduced: false,
bExpand: false,
pro: false,
changeTime: function()
DateTime.changeNodesTime('//LI[contains(@class,"arrivalTime")]', '[H]::[s]');
insertCSSRules: function()
Utils.insertCSSRule('.eventFleet .playername, .eventFleet .playername2, .partnerInfo .playername, .partnerInfo .playername2, .partnerInfo .playername3 { top: 38px; font-size: 10px; color: green; white-space:nowrap; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.eventFleet .playername, .partnerInfo .playername { left: 526px }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.eventFleet .playername2, .partnerInfo .playername2, .partnerInfo .playername3 { left: 303px }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.coordsOrigin a, .destCoords a { text-decoration:none }');
if (this.bExpand) {
Utils.insertCSSRule(' .antigame_evtDetails{ left: 142px !important; top: ' + (this.reduced ? 20 : 50) + 'px !important; text-align: left !important; font-size: 9px; line-height: 9px; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 2px; } ');
if (this.reduced) {
Utils.insertCSSRule('.descFleet, .originFleet, .destFleet { display: none !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.countDown, .arrivalTime, .coordsOrigin, .detailsFleet, .destCoords, .sendMail, .sendProbe { top: 4px !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.missionFleet { top: 2px !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.missionFleet img { padding-top: 0 !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.eventFleet, .partnerInfo { height: 23px}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#eventFooter { height: 2px}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.sendMail { left: 500px !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.sendProbe { left: 480px !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.playername, .playername2 { left: 590px !important; top: 3px !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.playername3 { left: 0px !important; top: 3px !important; right:520px !important; text-align:right}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.acsFleet .arrivalTime, .acsFleet .missionFleet, .acsFleet .coordsOrigin, .acsFleet .detailsFleet, .acsFleet .destCoords { top: 13px !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.acsFleet { height: 40px !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.acsFleet .playername, .acsFleet .playername2 { top: 13px !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.toggleInfos { left: 500px !important}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.partnerInfo > ul { display: inline}');
// time mode
Utils.insertCSSRule('#evt_timeMode { position: absolute; width: 250px; left:40px; top:9px; text-align:left; color:#6F9FC8}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.tmTime #tmTime, .tmCountdown #tmCountdown { /*text-decoration: none; cursor:default;*/ font-weight:700}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.tmTime #tmCountdown, .tmCountdown #tmTime { text-decoration: underline; cursor:pointer}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.tmTime .countDown, .tmCountdown .arrivalTime { display: none !important}');
insertCSSRulesPro: function ()
Utils.insertCSSRule(' #newEventBox{ height: 0; width: 720px; margin-left: -5px; } ');
Utils.insertCSSRule(' #newEventBox iframe{ width: 100%; height: 100%; } ');
Utils.insertCSSRule(' #rechts{ margin-left: 20px; } ');
if (!Options.evt_showOnTop) {
Utils.insertCSSRule(' #newEventBox { float: left; } ');
if (Options.evt_showOnTop && Options.evt_noScroll) {
Utils.insertCSSRule(' #planetdata { float: left !important; margin-left: 30px !important; } ');
show3StateIndicator: function(icon)
function id2num(id) { return id.replace('eventRow-','') }
function markRow(id, marker) {
if (marker=='-') {
var item = Utils.XPathSingle('//*[@id="eventRow-'+id+'"]/UL/*[@class="missionFleet"]/SPAN');
if (item) item.innerHTML += ' ('+item.innerHTML.substr(0,1)+')';
try {
var items = Utils.XPath('//*[@class="missionFleet"]/IMG[contains(@src,"icon-'+icon+'")]/ancestor::*[contains(@id,"eventRow")]');
var holdlist = [];
for (var i=0; i) continue;
var countdown = Utils.XPathSingle('UL/LI[@class="countDown"]/SPAN', holdlist[id]);
fleetType = 1;
if (countdown) {
if (countdown.className.indexOf('neutral') > -1)
fleetType = 0;
else if (countdown.className.indexOf('hostile') > -1)
fleetType = -1;
if (Utils.page == 'phalanx' &&
phalanx_coords != Utils.XPathSingle('UL/*[@class="coordsOrigin"]/A', holdlist[id]).innerHTML
Utils.page != 'phalanx' && fleetType!=1
) {
if (holdlist[i+1]) {
holdlist[i+1] = null;
else {
holdlist = null;
else {
if (holdlist[i+1]) {
if (holdlist[i+2]) {
holdlist[i+2] = null;
else {
holdlist = null;
holdlist[i+1] = null;
} catch(e) { Utils.log(e) }
// -1: hostile, 0:neutral, 1:friendly
getFleetType: function(row)
var countdown = Utils.XPathSingle('LI[@class="countDown"]/SPAN', row);
var fleetType = 1;
if (countdown) {
if (countdown.className.indexOf('neutral') > -1)
fleetType = 0;
else if (countdown.className.indexOf('hostile') > -1)
fleetType = -1;
return fleetType;
adjustHeight: function (row, li) {
li = li || Utils.getElementByClassName('antigame_evtDetails', row);
if (li.style.display == 'none' && row.style.display != 'none') {
li.style.display = '';
var details_height = parseInt(li.offsetHeight, 10);
var fleet_height = parseInt(row.offsetHeight, 10);
if (! (fleet_height+details_height)) { return; }
row.style.height = (fleet_height+details_height)+"px";
else if (row.style.display == 'none') // if ACS fleets were collapsed again
li.style.display = 'none';
if (this.pro) {
var parent = window.parent.document;
var h = document.body.offsetHeight;
var newEventBox = parent.getElementById('newEventBox');
newEventBox.style.height = h + (Options.evt_noScroll? this.maxClueHeight : 0) + 'px';
getMissionClass: function (row)
var mission = Utils.XPathSingle('*[@class="missionFleet"]/IMG', row);
mission = mission.src.match(/icon\-(.+)\.gif/)[1];
var mclass = "";
var fleetType = this.getFleetType(row);
if (fleetType == -1) mclass = 'hostile';
else if (fleetType == 0) mclass = 'neutral';
switch(mission) {
case ('angriff'): mclass = "ownattack"; break;
case ('halten'): mclass = "ownhold"; break;
case ('kolonisieren'): mclass = "owncolony"; break;
case ('stationieren'): mclass = "owndeploy"; break;
case ('tf-abbauen'): mclass = "ownharvest"; break;
case ('transport'): mclass = "owntransport"; break;
case ('verband'): mclass = "ownfederation"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missDestroy): mclass = "owndestroy"; break;
case ('spionage'): mclass = "ownespionage"; break;
case ('expedition'): mclass = "ownexpedition"; break;
default: mclass = "owntransport";
return mclass;
expandFleets: function()
try {
function sendRequest(url, li) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
if (xhr.readyState == 4)
if (xhr.status == 200)
Utils.whenrendered(function(){EventList.showFleetDetails(li, xhr.responseText)});
var rows = Utils.XPath('//*[contains(@class,"eventFleet")]/UL | //*[contains(@class,"partnerInfo")]/UL');
for (var i=0; i -1) continue;
var url = Utils.getElementByClassName('tipsTitleArrowClose', row);
if (!url) continue;
url = url.href || url.getAttribute('rel');
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.className = 'antigame_evtDetails ' + this.getMissionClass(row);
li.style.display = 'none';
sendRequest(url, li);
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
showFleetDetails: function(li, data)
function adjustHeightAll() {
var rows = Utils.XPath('//*[contains(@class,"partnerInfo")]');
for (var i=0; i.+?/gi, '')
.replace(/(<.+?>\s*)+/gi,' ')
.replace(' ','
') .replace(/^\s/,'') ; li.innerHTML = data; var row = li.parentNode.parentNode; if (row.style.display == 'none') { var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('toggleInfos'); for (var i=0; i.addEventListener('click', /*setTimeout(adjustHeightAll, 0)*/adjustHeightAll, false);
else {
this.adjustHeight(row, li);
process: function()
try {
var rows = Utils.XPath('//*[contains(@class,"eventFleet")]/UL | //*[contains(@class,"partnerInfo")]/UL');
var acsID, row, parent;
var fleetType; // -1: hostile, 0:neutral, 1:friendly
for (var i=0; i -1)
row.parentNode.className += ' acsFleet';
parent = acsID ? document.getElementById('eventRow-'+acsID) : row;
var countdown = Utils.XPathSingle('LI[@class="countDown"]/SPAN', parent);
fleetType = this.getFleetType(parent);;
// display player name
var nickclass = 'playername';
var nick = Utils.XPathSingle('*[@class="sendMail"]/A',row);
if (!nick && acsID) {
nick = Utils.XPathSingle('*[@class="descFleet"]/A',row);
nickclass = 'playername3';
else nickclass = (fleetType==1) ? 'playername' : 'playername2';
var rx = new RegExp(Options.Labels.rx_sendMail.source);
if (nick && (nick = nick.title.match(rx)) && (nick = nick[1])) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.className = nickclass;
li.innerHTML = nick;
var id = row.parentNode.className.match(/\bunion\d+\b/);
if (nickclass!='playername3' && id && (id=id[0].replace('union',''))) {
var acs = document.getElementById('eventRow-'+id);
acs = acs.getElementsByTagName('UL')[0];
if (!Utils.XPathSingle('*[@class="playername" or @class="playername2"]',acs))
acs.appendChild( li.cloneNode(true) );
// reduced eventList
if (this.reduced && !acsID) {
var arrivalTime = Utils.XPathSingle('LI[@class="arrivalTime"]', row);
if (arrivalTime) {
countdown = countdown.className;
if (fleetType == 0)
arrivalTime.className += ' neutral';
else if (fleetType == -1)
arrivalTime.className += ' hostile';
// show TimeMode selector
if (this.reduced) {
var container = document.getElementById('eventListWrap');
container.className = (Options.evt_TimeMode==1) ? 'tmTime' : 'tmCountdown';
var f = function(e){
if ((e.target.id=='tmTime' || e.target.id=='tmCountdown') && container.className!=e.target.id) container.className=e.target.id;
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'evt_timeMode';
div.innerHTML = ''+Options.Interface.lbl_tmTime+' / '+Options.Interface.lbl_tmCountdown+'';
} catch(e) { Utils.log(e) }
processPro: function()
function putElementDown(el, delta){
el.style.top = (el.offsetTop + delta) + 'px';
Utils.insertCSSRule('#eventListWrap { margin-left: 0 !important}');
var parent = window.parent;
if (parent) {
parent = parent.document;
var h = document.body.offsetHeight;
var newEventBox = parent.getElementById('newEventBox');
delta = h - newEventBox.clientHeight;
if (Options.evt_noScroll)
h += this.maxClueHeight;
newEventBox.style.height = h + 'px';
if (Options.evt_showOnTop) {
putElementDown(Utils.getElementByClassName('c-left', parent.body), delta);
putElementDown(Utils.getElementByClassName('c-right', parent.body), delta);
if (Options.evt_noScroll && Options.evt_showOnTop)
parent.getElementById('planet').style.marginTop = (-this.maxClueHeight) + 'px';
document.body.className = 'eventListPro';
catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
processCluetip: function(e)
if(!e || !e.target || /*!e.target.id*/e.target.id != 'cluetip-close') return;
var container = e.target.parentNode.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.firstElementChild;
var rows = container.getElementsByTagName('tr');
var ships = [], name, count;
for (var i=0; i.firstElementChild;
count = name.nextElementSibling;
if (count && count.innerHTML) {
ships.push( { name: name.innerHTML, count: Utils.parseInt(count.innerHTML) } );
var debris = Ogame.getFleetDebris(ships);
var str =
' ' +
''+Options.Interface.lbl_debris+': ' +
''+Options.Interface.lbl_metal+': '+Utils.formatNumber(debris.metal)+' ' +
''+Options.Interface.lbl_crystal+': '+Utils.formatNumber(debris.crystal)+' ' +
''+Options.Interface.lbl_shipRecyclerAlt+': '+Utils.formatNumber(debris.recs)+' '
container.innerHTML += str;
iframeReady: function()
try {
var body = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.body;
document.getElementById('eventboxLoading').style.display = 'none';
if (!body || !body.firstChild)
document.getElementById('eventboxBlank').style.display = 'block';
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
showEventList: function ()
try {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'newEventBox';
div.innerHTML = '< id="" ="index.php?page=List&pro=1&session='+ Utils.session +'">';
if (Options.evt_showOnTop) {
var next = document.getElementById('planet');
next.parentNode.insertBefore(div, next);
else {
var prev = Utils.XPathSingle('//*[@class="content-box-s"][last()]');
Utils.insertAfter(div, prev);
this.iframe = document.getElementById("iframeEventBox");
this.iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener('load', function() { EventList.iframeReady() }, false)
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
Run: function()
if (Utils.isCurrentPage('eventList') && document.location.href.indexOf('pro=1') > -1 && Options.evt_showReduced)
this.reduced = true;
if ( document.location.href.indexOf('pro=1') > -1 )
this.pro = true;
if (Options.evt_expandFleetsEvt && Utils.isCurrentPage('eventList') ||
Options.evt_expandFleetsPhal && Utils.isCurrentPage('phalanx')
this.bExpand = true;
// eventList function Only
if (Utils.isCurrentPage('eventList')) {
if ( this.pro ) {
Utils.unsafeWindow.old_hideRows = Utils.unsafeWindow.hideRows;
Utils.unsafeWindow.hideRows = function (data) {
// phalanx functions only
else {
if (Options.phalanx_showDebris)
document.body.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", EventList.processCluetip, false);
//both eventList and phalanx
if (Options.timeSetting == 1 && ! (Options.showServerPhalanx && Utils.page=='phalanx') )
if (this.bExpand)
// New eventList appeared in 2.1
var EventList2 =
changeTime: function()
DateTime.changeNodesTime('//*[@id="eventboxContent"]/descendant::*[contains(@class,"arrivalTime")]', '[H]::[s]');
insertCSSRules: function()
/*Utils.insertCSSRule('.coordsOrigin a, .destCoords a { text-decoration:none }');*/
Utils.insertCSSRule(' .antigame_evtDetails2 .fleetContents { text-align: left !important; font-size: 9px !important; line-height: 9px !important; padding-top: 1px !important; padding-bottom: 2px !important; } ');
Utils.insertCSSRule(' tr.eventFleet[style="display: none;"] + tr.antigame_evtDetails2, tr.eventFleet[style="display: none; "] + tr.antigame_evtDetails2 { display: none; } ');
Utils.insertCSSRule(' .antigame_evtDetails2 .missionName { text-align: left; padding-left: 10px; vertical-align: top; } ');
Utils.insertCSSRule(' .antigame_evtDetails2 .playername { text-align: right !important; font-size: 10px !important; color: green !important; white-space:nowrap !important; } ');
if (Options.evt_dimReverse)
Utils.insertCSSRule('.reverse { opacity: 0.3; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.reverse + .antigame_evtDetails2 { opacity: 0.5; }');
show3StateIndicator: function(icon)
function id2num(id) { return id.replace('eventRow-','') }
function markRow(id, marker) {
if (marker=='-') {
var item = Utils.XPathSingle('//*[@id="eventRow-'+id+'"]/UL/*[@class="missionFleet"]/SPAN');
if (item) item.innerHTML += ' ('+item.innerHTML.substr(0,1)+')';
try {
var items = Utils.XPath('//*[@class="missionFleet"]/IMG[contains(@src,"icon-'+icon+'")]/ancestor::*[contains(@id,"eventRow")]');
var holdlist = [];
for (var i=0; i) continue;
var countdown = Utils.XPathSingle('UL/LI[@class="countDown"]/SPAN', holdlist[id]);
fleetType = 1;
if (countdown) {
if (countdown.className.indexOf('neutral') > -1)
fleetType = 0;
else if (countdown.className.indexOf('hostile') > -1)
fleetType = -1;
if (Utils.page == 'phalanx' &&
phalanx_coords != Utils.XPathSingle('UL/*[@class="coordsOrigin"]/A', holdlist[id]).innerHTML
Utils.page != 'phalanx' && fleetType!=1
) {
if (holdlist[i+1]) {
holdlist[i+1] = null;
else {
holdlist = null;
else {
if (holdlist[i+1]) {
if (holdlist[i+2]) {
holdlist[i+2] = null;
else {
holdlist = null;
holdlist[i+1] = null;
} catch(e) { Utils.log(e) }
// 0: hostile, 1:neutral, 2:friendly
getFleetType: function(row)
var countdown = Utils.XPathSingle('TD[@class="countDown" or contains(@id, "counter-")]', row);
var fleetType = 2;
if (countdown) {
if (countdown.className.indexOf('neutral') > -1)
fleetType = 1;
else if (countdown.className.indexOf('hostile') > -1)
fleetType = 0;
return fleetType;
getMissionClass: function (row)
var mission = Utils.XPathSingle('*[@class="missionFleet"]/IMG', row);
mission = mission.src.match(/icon\-(.+)\.gif/)[1];
var mclass = "";
var fleetType = this.getFleetType(row);
if (fleetType == 0) mclass = 'hostile';
else if (fleetType == 1) mclass = 'neutral';
switch(mission) {
case ('angriff'): mclass = "ownattack"; break;
case ('halten'): mclass = "ownhold"; break;
case ('kolonisieren'): mclass = "owncolony"; break;
case ('stationieren'): mclass = "owndeploy"; break;
case ('tf-abbauen'): mclass = "ownharvest"; break;
case ('transport'): mclass = "owntransport"; break;
case ('verband'): mclass = "ownfederation"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missDestroy): mclass = "owndestroy"; break;
case ('spionage'): mclass = "ownespionage"; break;
case ('expedition'): mclass = "ownexpedition"; break;
default: mclass = "owntransport";
return mclass;
showFleetDetails: function(row, data)
var contents = data
.replace(/.+? /gi, '')
.replace(/(<.+?>\s*)+/gi,' ')
.replace(' ','
') .replace(/^\s/,'') ; var acsID = row.className.match(/\bunion\d+\b/); // get player name var nick = Utils.XPathSingle('*[@class="sendMail"]/A',row); var rx = new RegExp(Options.Labels.rx_sendMail.source); nick = nick && nick.title.match(rx); nick = nick && nick[1]; var mission = row.querySelector('.missionFleet img'); mission = mission && mission.getAttribute('title'); mission = mission && mission.substr(mission.indexOf('|')+1); var datarow = document.createElement('tr'); datarow.className = 'antigame_evtDetails2 ' + this.getMissionClass(row); if (acsID) { datarow.className += ' ' + acsID; if (row.style.display == 'none') datarow.style.display = 'none'; } var td1 = document.createElement('td'); td1.setAttribute('colspan','2'); td1.className = 'missionName'; td1.innerHTML = mission; var td2 = document.createElement('td'); td2.setAttribute('colspan','6'); td2.className = 'fleetContents'; td2.innerHTML = contents; var td3 = document.createElement('td'); td3.setAttribute('colspan','3'); td3.className = 'playername'; if (nick) td3.innerHTML = nick; datarow.appendChild(td1); datarow.appendChild(td2); datarow.appendChild(td3); Utils.insertAfter(datarow, row); }, addRefreshButton: function(eventListWrap) { var headerText = eventListWrap.querySelector("h4"); if (!headerText) return; var refreshDetails = headerText.querySelector("a.refresh_details"); if (refreshDetails) return; refreshDetails = Utils.createElement("A", {href: "javascript:void(0);", class: "refresh_details"}, [Utils.createElement("IMG", {src: "img/icons/refresh.gif"})]); headerText.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(" "), headerText.firstChild); headerText.insertBefore(refreshDetails, headerText.firstChild); refreshDetails.addEventListener("click", function(){ Utils.runScript( "$.get('/game/index.php?page=eventList&session=" + Utils.session + "&ajax=1', function(response) { window.DOM_GET_ELEMENT_BY_ID_CACHE = new Array(); $('#eventboxContent').html(response); $('#eventHeader .close_details').click(toggleEvents); })" ); }, false); }, addArrivalDate: function() { Utils.runScript('$("
Üye imzalarını sadece giriş yapan üyelerimiz görebilir
▼ '+title+'
' +
'' +
startSection(Options.Interface.lbl_sectionGeneral) +
createSelect('language', language_list) +
createInput('update_check') +
createInput('blockAutoComplete') +
createSelect('thousandSeparator', separator_list) +
createSelect('showResources', res_positions) +
createInput('showDeficient') +
createInput('showNames') +
createInput('nameColorOn') +
createInput('nameColorOff') +
createInput('nameColorDisabled') +
createInput('showConstructionTitle') +
createInput('shortHeader') +
createInput('misc_scrollTitle') +
endSection() +
startSection(Options.Interface.lbl_sectionUniverse) +
createInput('uni_SpeedFactor') +
createInput('uni_DFPercent') +
createInput('uni_DefenseToDF') +
endSection() +
startSection(Options.Interface.lbl_sectionTime) +
createSelect('timeSetting', time_settings) +
createInput('showServerOgameClock') +
createInput('showServerPhalanx') +
createInput('showPageStartTime') +
createInput('timeAMPM') +
endSection() +
startSection(Options.Interface.lbl_sectionEventList) +
createInput('evt_dimReverse') +
createInput('evt_expandFleetsEvt') +
createInput('evt_expandFleetsPhal') +
createInput('phalanx_showDebris') +
endSection() +
startSection(Options.Interface.lbl_sectionGalaxy) +
createInput('galaxyShowRank') +
createInput('galaxyRankColor') +
createInput('galaxyDebrisMin') +
createInput('galaxyDebrisColor') +
createInput('galaxyHideMoon') +
createInput('galaxy_Players') +
createInput('galaxy_PlayerColors') +
createInput('galaxy_Allys') +
createInput('galaxy_AllyColors') +
createInput('galaxy_killTips') +
createInput('galaxy_keepTipsPlanets') +
createInput('galaxy_keepTipsDebris') +
endSection() +
startSection(Options.Interface.lbl_sectionMessages) +
createInput('msg_PlunderThreshold') +
createInput('msg_DebrisThreshold') +
createInput('msg_foldSmallPlunder') +
createInput('msg_showPlunder') +
createInput('msg_addButtons') +
createInput('msg_fixColors') +
createInput('msg_killTips') +
createSelect('msg_addSimButton', sim_buttons) +
endSection() +
startSection(Options.Interface.lbl_sectionFleetDispatch) +
createInput('fleet_showCapacity') +
createInput('fleet1_showResCalc') +
createInput('uni_maxPlayerScore') +
createInput('fleet1_killTips') +
createInput('autocopyCoords') +
createInput('autocopyGlobal') +
createInput('fleet2_setTargetDF') +
createInput('fleet2_fixLayout') +
createInput('fleet2_ShortLinks') +
createInput('fleet2_MoonsToEnd') +
createInput('fleet2_MoonColor') +
createInput('fleet2_expandLists') +
createInput('fleet2_checkProbeCapacity') +
createSelect('mission1', missions, Options.Interface.opt_missionPriority) +
createSelect('mission2', missions, '') +
createSelect('mission3', missions, '') +
createSelect('mission4', missions, '') +
createSelect('mission5', missions, '') +
endSection() +
startSection(Options.Interface.lbl_sectionFleetMovement) +
createInput('mvmt_expandFleets') +
createInput('mvmt_showReversal') +
createInput('missAttack') +
createInput('missColony') +
createInput('missDeploy') +
createInput('missDestroy') +
createInput('missEspionage') +
createInput('missExpedition') +
createInput('missFederation') +
createInput('missHarvest') +
createInput('missHold') +
createInput('missTransport') +
endSection() +
' +
' ' + notemark + ' ' + this.Interface.lbl_optionsNote1 + '
' +
'' +
createButton('btnOk') + createButton('btnCancel') +
createButtonHref('btnHomePage','http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/58952', 'Ana Sayfa')
$('#btnOk').bind('click', function() { setTimeout( function () {Options.hideWindow(true);}, 0)} );
$('#btnCancel').bind('click', function() { Options.hideWindow(false);} );
$('#anti_options_window .color')
.bind('change', Options.changeInputColor)
.bind('keyup', Options.changeInputColor);
$('.sectiontitle').bind('click', function() {
.find('.indicator').html( $(this).next().hasClass('hidden')?'▼':'▲');
} ).eq(0).trigger('click');
ver2num: function (ver)
if (!ver) return 0;
var s = ver.split('.');
s = parseInt(s[0],10)*1000000 + parseInt(s[1],10)*100 + parseInt(s[2],10);
if (isNaN(s)) s = -1;
return s;
showUpdateMarker: function()
var newversion = Utils.getValue('update_Version','');
if (this.ver2num(version)>=this.ver2num(newversion)) return;
Utils.insertCSSRule('#update_marker, #update_marker:hover { display:block !important; width:19px !important; position:relative !important; top:-25px !important; left:-20px !important; padding:0 !important; line-height:normal !important; font-family:Verdana !important; font-weight:700 !important; font-size:16px !important; cursor:pointer !important; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#update_marker { color:orange !important; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#update_marker:hover { color:#FFEE66 !important; }');
var marker = document.createElement('a');
marker.innerHTML = '







[^\d\-]*([\d\-]+)/i); if (!t) return; this.temperature = parseInt(t[1],10); }, readActivePlanet: function() { try { this.active_planet = null; var nodes = Utils.XPath('//A[contains(@class,"planetlink")][@title]'); if (!nodes) return; if (nodes.snapshotLength == 1) this.active_planet = nodes.snapshotItem(0); else for (var i=0; i

') .replace(/^\s/,'') ; li.innerHTML = data; var row = li.parentNode.parentNode; if (row.style.display == 'none') { var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('toggleInfos'); for (var i=0; i
') .replace(/^\s/,'') ; var acsID = row.className.match(/\bunion\d+\b/); // get player name var nick = Utils.XPathSingle('*[@class="sendMail"]/A',row); var rx = new RegExp(Options.Labels.rx_sendMail.source); nick = nick && nick.title.match(rx); nick = nick && nick[1]; var mission = row.querySelector('.missionFleet img'); mission = mission && mission.getAttribute('title'); mission = mission && mission.substr(mission.indexOf('|')+1); var datarow = document.createElement('tr'); datarow.className = 'antigame_evtDetails2 ' + this.getMissionClass(row); if (acsID) { datarow.className += ' ' + acsID; if (row.style.display == 'none') datarow.style.display = 'none'; } var td1 = document.createElement('td'); td1.setAttribute('colspan','2'); td1.className = 'missionName'; td1.innerHTML = mission; var td2 = document.createElement('td'); td2.setAttribute('colspan','6'); td2.className = 'fleetContents'; td2.innerHTML = contents; var td3 = document.createElement('td'); td3.setAttribute('colspan','3'); td3.className = 'playername'; if (nick) td3.innerHTML = nick; datarow.appendChild(td1); datarow.appendChild(td2); datarow.appendChild(td3); Utils.insertAfter(datarow, row); }, addRefreshButton: function(eventListWrap) { var headerText = eventListWrap.querySelector("h4"); if (!headerText) return; var refreshDetails = headerText.querySelector("a.refresh_details"); if (refreshDetails) return; refreshDetails = Utils.createElement("A", {href: "javascript:void(0);", class: "refresh_details"}, [Utils.createElement("IMG", {src: "img/icons/refresh.gif"})]); headerText.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(" "), headerText.firstChild); headerText.insertBefore(refreshDetails, headerText.firstChild); refreshDetails.addEventListener("click", function(){ Utils.runScript( "$.get('/game/index.php?page=eventList&session=" + Utils.session + "&ajax=1', function(response) { window.DOM_GET_ELEMENT_BY_ID_CACHE = new Array(); $('#eventboxContent').html(response); $('#eventHeader .close_details').click(toggleEvents); })" ); }, false); }, addArrivalDate: function() { Utils.runScript('$("
var initEventList_text = document.getElementById('initEventList_text');
if (initEventList_text) initEventList_text = initEventList_text.innerHTML;
if (!initEventList_text) return;
var list = initEventList_text.split(';');
for (var i=0; i.match(/getElementByIdWithCache\("(.*?)"\),\s*(\d+)/i);
if (id_time)
var countdown = document.getElementById(id_time[1]);
if (countdown)
var arrivalDateTime = DateTime.getFinishTime(id_time[2]);
arrivalDateTime = DateTime.formatDate(new Date(arrivalDateTime), '[Y]-
-[d] [H]::[s]');
countdown.setAttribute('title', arrivalDateTime);
if (countdown.nextElementSibling)
countdown.nextElementSibling.setAttribute('title', arrivalDateTime);
Show: function(eventListWrap)
if (Options.timeSetting == 1)
setTimeout(this.addArrivalDate, 0);
var rows = Utils.XPath('descendant::*[contains(@class,"eventFleet") or contains(@class,"partnerInfo") or contains(@class,"allianceAttack")]', eventListWrap);
var acsID, row, mainrow;
var fleetType; // 0: hostile, 1:neutral, 2:friendly
var fleetTypeNames = ['hostile', 'neutral', 'friendly'];
for (var i=0; i.match(/["'](\w+)["']\)\,\s*(\d*)/i);
FinishTime.addConstructionTime(res[1], res[2]);
// shipyard
str = script.innerHTML.match(/shipCountdown\((\s*getElementByIdWithCache\(["']\w+["']\)\,)+(\s*\d*\,){3,3}/i);
if (str) {
str[2] = str[2].match(/(\d+)/)[0];
FinishTime.addConstructionTime('shipAllCountdown', str[2]);
// =======================================================================
// functions for Fleet movement view
// =======================================================================
var FleetMovement =
fleetXPath: '//*[@id="inhalt"]/descendant::*[contains(concat(" ",@class," ")," fleetDetails ") and contains(@id,"fleet")]',
tipsClass: 'tips4',
addReversalTimeBox: function(fleet)
if (! Utils.getElementsByClassName('reversal',fleet).snapshotLength ) return;
var tip = Utils.XPathSingle('//*[@id="'+ fleet.id +'"]/descendant::*[contains(@class,"origin")]/*[@class="'+this.tipsClass+'"]');
if(!tip) return;
var str = tip.getAttribute('title');
if (!str) return;
var date = DateTime.parse2(str);
if (!date) return;
date = DateTime.convertDateServer2Local(date);
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.className = 'reversalTime';
span.setAttribute('title', date.getTime());
updateReversalClock: function()
try {
var spans = Utils.getElementsByClassName('reversalTime');
for (var i=0; i-1 ? 'title' : 'innerHTML');
node[property] = DateTime.convertStringServer2Local(node[property]);
var xpath = this.fleetXPath + '/descendant::*[contains(@class,"absTime")] | ' +
this.fleetXPath + '/*[contains(@class, "reversal") and @class!="reversalTime"]';
xpath = this.fleetXPath + '/*[@class="starStreak"]/descendant::*[@class="' + this.tipsClass + '"]';
DateTime.changeNodesTime(xpath, null, 'title');
getDetails: function (div)
var result = new Object();
var string = "";
var cells = div.getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var i=0; i.colSpan=="2") {
result.ships = string;
string = "";
else {
if (cells.className!="value" && string!="") string += " ";
string += cells.innerHTML;
result.cargo = string;
return result;
getMissionClass: function (fleet)
var mission = Utils.getElementByClassName("mission", fleet);
var mclass = "";
switch(mission.innerHTML) {
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missAttack): mclass = "ownattack"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missHold): mclass = "ownhold"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missColony): mclass = "owncolony"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missDeploy): mclass = "owndeploy"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missHarvest): mclass = "ownharvest"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missTransport): mclass = "owntransport"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missFederation): mclass = "ownfederation"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missDestroy): mclass = "owndestroy"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missEspionage): mclass = "ownespionage"; break;
case (Options.Labels.lbl_missExpedition): mclass = "ownexpedition"; break;
default: mclass = "owntransport";
return mclass;
cssFleetColors: function()
if (this.cssColorsAdded) return;
Utils.insertCSSRule(".ownattack { color: "+Options.missAttack+" }");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".owncolony { color: "+Options.missColony+" }");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".owndeploy { color: "+Options.missDeploy+" }");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".owndestroy { color: "+Options.missDestroy+" }");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".ownespionage { color: "+Options.missEspionage+" }");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".ownexpedition { color: "+Options.missExpedition+" }");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".ownfederation { color: "+Options.missFederation+" }");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".ownharvest { color: "+Options.missHarvest+" }");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".ownhold { color: "+Options.missHold+" }");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".owntransport { color: "+Options.missTransport+" } ");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".ownmissile { color: "+Options.missMissile+" } ");
this.cssColorsAdded = true;
insertCSSRules: function ()
if (Options.mvmt_expandFleets) {
Utils.insertCSSRule(".detailsOpened .starStreak {background:none}");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".anti_fleetDetails {left:60px; width:290px; white-space:normal; padding:0px 7px; font-size:0.9em; text-align:left; line-height:1.2em}");
if (Options.mvmt_showReversal)
Utils.insertCSSRule(".reversalTime { position: absolute; top: 43px; left: 555px; color: yellow;} ");
Utils.insertCSSRule(".targetName { position:absolute; top:45px; left:7px; color:green;} ");
myOpenCloseFleet: function (id, change)
var fleet = document.getElementById(id);
var span = Utils.getElementByClassName('starStreak', fleet);
var details = Utils.getElementByClassName('anti_fleetDetails', fleet);
var opened = fleet.className.match('detailsOpened') ? 1 : 0;
// original OGame handler will be executed first
// so if change=true then className has been already changed
if ( change && !opened ) {
else if ( opened ) {
var details_height = parseInt(details.offsetHeight, 10);
var span_height = parseInt(span.offsetHeight, 10);
var fleet_height = parseInt(fleet.offsetHeight, 10);
var dif = details_height - span_height + 2;
if (dif>0) {
span_height += dif;
fleet_height += dif;
myOpenCloseAll: function ()
var fleets = Utils.XPath(FleetMovement.fleetXPath);
for (var i=0; i
'+res.cargo; var picto = Utils.XPathSingle( 'descendant::*[contains(@class,"starStreak")]/' + 'descendant::*[contains(@class,"route")]', fleet); //picto.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, picto); picto.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, picto); picto.style.display = "none"; // set 'openDetails' button handler var btn = Utils.XPathSingle('descendant::*[contains(@class,"openDetails")]/A', fleet); btn.addEventListener("click", function (){ setTimeout(function (){ FleetMovement.myOpenCloseFleet(fleet.id, 1); }, 0); }, false); // invoke the handler this.myOpenCloseFleet(fleet.id, 0); } catch(e) { Utils.log(e) } }, showTargetName: function(fleet) { try { var name = Utils.getElementByClassName('destinationCoords', fleet); if (!name || !name.title || !name.title=='|') return; name = name.title.slice(1); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'targetName'; span.innerHTML = name; var mission = Utils.getElementByClassName('mission', fleet); Utils.insertAfter(span, mission); } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } }, Run: function() { if (!Options.mvmt_expandFleets && !Options.mvmt_showReversal) return; this.insertCSSRules(); if (Utils.ogameVersion == '1.1') this.tipsClass = 'tips4'; else this.tipsClass = 'tipsTitleSmall'; var fleets = Utils.XPath(FleetMovement.fleetXPath); for (var i=0; imax) value = max;
if (value;
var duration = Ogame.getFleetDuration(id, distance, 10);
var consumption = Ogame.getFleetConsumption(id, distance, 10);
var cnt = Math.max( 0, Math.ceil(total / (Ogame.ships[id].capacity-consumption) ));
// count
node = Utils.XPathSingle('descendant::TR[@id="calc_ships"]/descendant::*[@ref="'+id+'"]', this.container);
node.innerHTML = Utils.formatNumber(cnt);
var cnt_available = this.getShipCount(id);
if (cnt<=cnt_available node.style.color = ''; else if !cnt_available node.style.color = s.nameColorOff; else if cnt>cnt_available) node.style.color = Options.nameColorDisabled;
// duration
node = Utils.XPathSingle('descendant::TR[@id="calc_dur"]/descendant::*[@ref="'+id+'"]', this.container);
node.innerHTML = DateTime.formatTime(duration);
// consumption
node = Utils.XPathSingle('descendant::TR[@id="calc_cons"]/descendant::*[@ref="'+id+'"]', this.container);
node.innerHTML = Utils.formatNumber(consumption*cnt);
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
save: function()
var target = this.getTarget();
var res = this.getResources();
Utils.setValueUni('calc_coords', target.galaxy+':'+target.system+':'+target.planet);
reset: function()
getStoredRes: function()
return Utils.getValueUni('calc_res','');
getStoredCoords: function()
return Utils.getValueUni('calc_coords','');
clear: function()
var res = this.getResources();
this.writeValue('calc_metal', 0);
this.writeValue('calc_crystal', 0);
this.writeValue('calc_deuterium', 0);
this.writeValue('calc_g', this.ActiveCoords.galaxy);
this.writeValue('calc_s', this.ActiveCoords.system);
this.writeValue('calc_p', this.ActiveCoords.planet);
show: function(parent)
function addShipLink(id) {
return '0 ';
function addResLink(res) {
return ''+Options.Labels['lbl_'+res]+' ';
function addResInput(res) {
return '< ="text" id="calc_'+res+'" value="0"> ';
function addShipCons(id) {
return ' ';
function addShipDur(id) {
return ' ';
function addSL() {
var sl_select = '< value="">-';
var slinks = [];
var nodes = Utils.getElementsByClassName('planetlink');
for (var i=0; i.split('#');
if (!link || link.length<4 continue; ss.push galaxy:0, system:1, planet:2, name: 4||'' ; catch e Utils.loge ss.sorta,b return a.galaxy-b.galaxy || a.system-b.system || a.planet-b.planet ; var t = target; for var i=0; i;
sl_select += '< '+s.galaxy==t.galaxy&&s.system==t.system&&s.planet==t.planet?'ed':''+' value="'+s.galaxy+'#'+s.system+'#'+s.planet+'">'+s.name+' ('+s.galaxy+':'+s.system+':'+s.planet+')';
sl_select = '< id="calc_sl">'+sl_select+' ';
return sl_select;
try {
this.ActiveCoords = Ogame.getActiveCoords();
var target;
if (Coords.saved()) {
var coords = Coords.get().split(':');
target = {galaxy:coords[0], system:coords[1], planet:coords[2]};
target = {galaxy:this.ActiveCoords.galaxy, system:this.ActiveCoords.system, planet:this.ActiveCoords.planet};
var coords = ''+Options.Interface.lbl_Save+' ';
var btnClear = ''+Options.Interface.lbl_Clear+' ';
var calc = document.createElement('div');
calc.id = 'calculator';
calc.innerHTML = '' +
this.container = calc;
Utils.$('#calculator input')
.bind('keyup', function(){Calculator.checkInput(this); Calculator.calculate()})
.bind('blur', function(){if (!this.value)this.value='0';})
Utils.$('#calculator #calc_ships a').bind('click', function(){ FleetSend.setShips('ship_'+this.getAttribute('ref'), Utils.parseInt(this.innerHTML))});
Utils.$('#calculator #calc_res_hdr a').bind('click', function()
var res = this.id.replace('calc_hdr_','');
var value = Utils.getIntById('resources_'+res);
document.getElementById('calc_'+res).value = value;
if (!this.value) return;
var coords = this.value.split('#');
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
// =======================================================================
// functions for Send fleet pages
// =======================================================================
var FleetSend =
Capacity_insertCSSRules: function()
Utils.insertCSSRule('.total_capacity td {padding: 2px 5px; /*color: #A1A1A1;*/ font-size: 11px;}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.total_capacity #total_capacity {color: green;}');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.total_capacity td.capacity_href {text-decoration: underline; color: #5577EE;}');
var top = Options.showNames ? 34 : 8;
Utils.insertCSSRule('.speed { position: absolute; top: '+top+'px; right: 3px; max-width: 76px; color: white; background: transparent url("'+Utils.bg+'") repeat; text-align: right; font-size: 10px; }');
addSpeed: function(node)
var id = node.id.replace(/\D/g, '');
var speed = Ogame.ships[id].speed;
speed = Utils.formatNumber(speed);
var a = Utils.XPathSingle('descendant::DIV/descendant::A', node);
if (!a) return;
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'speed';
div.innerHTML = speed;
showCapacity: function (node)
try {
var txtFields = Utils.getElementsByClassName('fleetValues');
var sum = 0, minspeed = 0, expoints = 0;
for ( var i=0; i0) {
sum += txt.value * capacity;
expoints += txt.value * exp;
minspeed = Math.min(minspeed, Ogame.ships[id].speed) || Ogame.ships[id].speed;
document.getElementById('total_capacity').innerHTML = Utils.formatNumber(sum);
document.getElementById('min_speed').innerHTML = Utils.formatNumber(minspeed);
var expnode = document.getElementById('expoints');
expnode.innerHTML = Utils.formatNumber(expoints);
var upperLimit = Options.uni_maxPlayerScore ? 12000 : 9000;
if (expoints > upperLimit)
expnode.className = "overmark";
else if (expoints < upperLimit expnode.Name = "undermark"; else expnode.Name = "middlemark"; catch e Utils.loge; return true; , setShips: ship_id, cnt var node = .ship_id; if !node || node. return; node.value = cnt; Utils.triggership_id,'change'; , checkRecyclers: var recyclers = false; var value = .'ship_209'.value; if value && !isNaNvalue && parseIntvalue, 10>0) recyclers = true;
setTimeout( function(){ Utils.setValueUni('fleet1_recyclers', recyclers) }, 0);
Fleet1_Run: function()
try {
var unsafe = Utils.unsafeWindow;
if (Options.fleet2_setTargetDF) {
unsafe.old_trySubmit = unsafe.trySubmit;
unsafe.trySubmit = function () { FleetSend.checkRecyclers(); unsafe.old_trySubmit() };
if (Options.fleet1_killTips)
var allornone;
if(allornone = document.getElementById('allornone'))
if (!Options.fleet_showCapacity) return;
var no_fleet = false;
var parent = Utils.getElementByClassName('allornonewrap');
if(!parent) {
no_fleet = true;
parent = document.getElementById('warning');
if(!parent) return;
var res = Utils.getIntById('resources_metal') + Utils.getIntById('resources_crystal') + Utils.getIntById('resources_deuterium');
var scargo = Math.ceil(res/5000);
var lcargo = Math.ceil(res/25000);
var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
newDiv.className = 'fleft total_capacity';
SimpleTable.key_class = 'capacity_key';
SimpleTable.href_class = 'capacity_href';
SimpleTable.addCell(Options.Interface.lbl_resources, res);
if (no_fleet) {
Utils.insertCSSRule('.total_capacity {margin: 2px 25px;}');
SimpleTable.addCell(Options.Labels.lbl_shipSCargo, scargo);
SimpleTable.addCell(Options.Labels.lbl_shipLCargo, lcargo);
newDiv.innerHTML = '' + SimpleTable.createTableString(1) + '
else {
Utils.$('form li')
.filter( function() {return !isNaN(this.id.replace('button','')) } )
.each( function(){FleetSend.addSpeed(this)});
SimpleTable.addCell(Options.Interface.lbl_TotalCapacity,0, '', 'total_capacity');
if (!Options.fleet1_showResCalc) {
SimpleTable.addHref(Options.Labels.lbl_shipSCargo, scargo, 'SCargo');
SimpleTable.addHref(Options.Labels.lbl_shipLCargo, lcargo, 'LCargo');
SimpleTable.addCell(Options.Interface.lbl_ExPoints,0, '', 'expoints');
SimpleTable.addCell(Options.Interface.lbl_MinSpeed,0, '', 'min_speed');
newDiv.innerHTML = '' + SimpleTable.createTableString(1) + '
var prev = Utils.getElementByClassName('combatunits', parent) || Utils.getElementByClassName('secondcol', parent);
Utils.insertAfter(newDiv, prev);
if (!Options.fleet1_showResCalc) {
document.getElementById('SCargo').addEventListener('click', function (){ FleetSend.setShips('ship_202', scargo); return true; }, false );
document.getElementById('LCargo').addEventListener('click', function (){ FleetSend.setShips('ship_203', lcargo); return true; }, false );
unsafe.old_checkShips = unsafe.checkShips;
unsafe.checkShips = function(form) { FleetSend.showCapacity(); unsafe.old_checkShips(form) }
Utils.$('input.fleetValues').bind('focus', function(){ FleetSend.showCapacity() } );
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
getPartsFromLink: function(link)
var parts = link.split('#');
if (parts.length < 4 return null; var res = ; res.galaxy = parseIntparts0, 10; res.system = parseIntparts1, 10; res.planet = parseIntparts2, 10; res. = parseIntparts3, 10; res.name = parts4 || ''; res.weight = res.galaxy 1000000 + res.system1000 + res.planet10 + res.; return res; , insertShort: ,next try var parts = .getPartsFrom; if !parts return; if !parts.name += '#'; var sl = .'sl'; if !sl return; var s = sl.getElementsByTagName''; var next; var nextparts = next ? .getPartsFromnext : null; for var i=1; i.value);
if (curparts.galaxy == nextparts.galaxy && curparts.system == nextparts.system &&
curparts.planet == nextparts.planet && curparts.type == nextparts.type
next = options;
if (link == options.value) return;
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.value = link;
opt.innerHTML = parts.name + ' [' + parts.galaxy + ':' + parts.system + ':' + parts.planet + ']';
if (next) slbox.insertBefore(opt,next)
else slbox.appendChild(opt);
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
getSLinkFromPlanet: function(planet)
try {
var coords = Ogame.getCoordsFromPlanet(planet);
var res = coords.galaxy + '#' + coords.system + '#' + coords.planet + '#' + coords.type + '#' + coords.name;
return res;
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
isTargetEmpty: function()
//check whether the coords have been already set
var items = Utils.XPath('//*[@id="inhalt"]/descendant::*[@class="fleetStatus"]/UL/LI');
for (var i=0; i' + (i*10) + '% ';
var code = ' $("") .attr("id","speed_plain") .html(\'' + html + '\') .find("a") .bind("click", function(){ $("#speed").attr("value",this.getAttribute("rel")); updateVariables(); }) .end() .appendTo("#fleetBriefingPart1") .parent() .css("margin-bottom","-3px"); ';
expandSLinks: function()
function createHrefFromItem(item, className) {
className = className || 'slHref';
return ''+item.name+'';
try {
var slNodes = Utils.XPath('//*[@id="slbox"]/option[@value!="-"]');
var rows = [], coords_list = [];
var row_cnt = 0;
var sl, parts, coords, current_row;
// Shortcuts
for (var i=0; i == 'undefined') {
rows = [];
rows [5] = {sl: sl, name: parts.name + ' [' + parts.galaxy + ':' + parts.system + ':' + parts.planet + '] - ' + slNodes.snapshotItem(i).innerHTML,
index: i, type: parts.type };
var slTable = '';
var slRow, slItem;
for (var i=0; i;
slRow =
'' + (row[1]?createHrefFromItem(row[1]):'') + ' ' +
'' + (row[3]?createHrefFromItem(row[3]):'') + ' ' +
'' + (row[5]?createHrefFromItem(row[5],'slACS'):'') + ' '
slTable += '' + slRow + ' ';
var lblPlanet = document.getElementById('pbutton').firstElementChild.innerHTML;
var lblMoon = document.getElementById('mbutton').firstElementChild.innerHTML;
var lblACS = document.getElementById('combatunits tips').innerHTML.replace(':','');
slTable = ''+lblPlanet+' '+lblMoon+' '+lblACS+' ' + slTable ;
slTable = '
var slPanel = document.createElement('div');
slPanel.id = 'slPanel';
slPanel.innerHTML = slTable;
// 'Click' handlers
Utils.runScript('$(".slHref").bind("click", function(){ $("#slbox option").get(1+parseInt(this.getAttribute("rel"))).selected = true; shortLinkChange(); updateVariables(); } )');
Utils.runScript('$(".slACS").bind("click", function(){ $("#aksbox option").get(1+parseInt(this.getAttribute("rel"))).selected = true; shortLinkChange(true); updateVariables(); handleUnion() } )');
catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
fleet2_insertCSSRules: function()
Utils.insertCSSRule('#speed_plain { list-style-type: none; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#speed_plain a { text-decoration: none; font-weight:100; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.anti_moon, .slMoon a { background-color: ' + Options.fleet2_MoonColor + '; }');
if (Options.fleet2_expandLists) {
Utils.insertCSSRule('#slPanel { padding: 5px; margin: 2px 0 0 5px; background-image: url("img/layout/wrap-body.gif"); width: 642px; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#slPanel table { width: 100%; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#slPanel td, #slPanel th { padding: 0 3px; font-size: 11px; min-width: 180px; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#slPanel th { color: #7C8E9A; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#slPanel a, #speed_plain a { color: #AAAAAA; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('#slPanel a:hover, #speed_plain a:hover { color: white; }');
Fleet2_Run: function()
if (Options.fleet2_fixLayout) {
var nodes = Utils.XPath('//DIV[@id="buttonz"]/DIV/UL');
if (nodes.snapshotLength) {
nodes.snapshotItem(0).style.marginLeft = "20px";
nodes.snapshotItem(1).style.marginLeft = "20px";
if (Options.fleet2_checkProbeCapacity) {
var w=Utils.unsafeWindow;
w.getFreeStorage = function()
var s = w.storageCapacity, c=w.consumption, ps=w.probeStorageCapacity;
return (s==ps)? s-c : s-c - (ps-w.getConsumption(210));
var unsafe = Utils.unsafeWindow;
var activelink, nextlink;
var activePlanet = Ogame.getActivePlanet();
activelink = this.getSLinkFromPlanet(activePlanet);
var nextPlanet = Utils.XPathSingle('parent::*/following-sibling::*/A[contains(@class,"planetlink")]', activePlanet);
if (nextPlanet) nextlink = this.getSLinkFromPlanet(nextPlanet);
this.insertShortLink(activelink, nextlink);
var shortlinks = Options.fleet2_ShortLinks.split(',');
for (var i=0; i);
if (Options.fleet2_setTargetDF && Utils.getValueUni('fleet1_recyclers'))
Utils.trigger('dbutton', 'click');
if (this.isTargetEmpty())
shortlinks = Utils.XPath('//*[@id="slbox"]/option');
for (var i=0; i 0)
// look for the first 'on' mission
var missions = new Array(
7, // priority to colonization - workaround for existing bug in ogame
Options.mission1, Options.mission2, Options.mission3, Options.mission4, Options.mission5,
for (var i=0; i>0 && document.getElementById('button' + missions).className == 'on' )
Utils.trigger('missionButton' + missions, 'click');
setResources: function()
var res = Calculator.getStoredRes();
if (!res) return;
res = res.split(':');
checkACStime: function()
var now = new Date();
var durationAKS = ( this.dateACS.getTime() - (now.getTime() - DateTime.TimeDelta) ) / 1000;
var duration = Utils.unsafeWindow.duration;
var className = "";
if ( duration/durationAKS >= 1.3 )
className = 'overmark';
else if ( duration >= durationAKS && this.stateACS == 0 ) {
this.stateACS = 1;
className = 'middlemark';
if (className) document.getElementById('timeACS').className = className;
showACStime: function()
if (!Utils.script) return;
var str = Utils.script.innerHTML.match(/durationAKS\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*\;/i);
if (!str || !Utils.XPathSingle('//*[@id="button2" and @class="on"]') ) return;
var tick = parseInt(str[1], 10);
if (!tick) return;
this.dateACS = DateTime.getFinishTime(tick);
this.stateACS = 0;
this.intervalACS = setInterval(function(){FleetSend.checkACStime() }, 1000);
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.style.color = 'yellow';
li.innerHTML = Options.Interface.lbl_ArrivalACS+': '+DateTime.formatDate2(this.dateACS)+'';
Utils.insertAfter(li, document.getElementById('aks') );
// fixing layout
var h = Utils.XPathSingle('//*[@id="roundup"]/descendant::UL').offsetHeight;
if (h > 125) {
h -= 125;
var div = Utils.XPathSingle('//*[@id="sendfleet"]/DIV');
if (div) div.style.paddingTop = '' + (parseInt(div.style.paddingTop) + h) + 'px';
Fleet3_Run: function()
// =======================================================================
// functions for Galaxy view
// =======================================================================
var Galaxy =
highlightAllyPlayer: function(row)
Colorer.highlight(Colorer.PLAYER, 'descendant::*[contains(@class,"status_abbr")]', row);
if (Options.galaxy_killTips)
Colorer.highlight(Colorer.ALLY, 'descendant::SPAN[contains(@rel,"alliance")]/A', row);
Colorer.highlight(Colorer.ALLY, 'descendant::SPAN[contains(@rel,"alliance")]', row);
showCurrent: function(row)
try {
var url = window.location.href;
coords = url.match(/galaxy=(\d{1,2})&system=(\d{1,3})&position=(\d{1,2})/i);
if (!coords) coords = url.match(/galaxy=(\d{1,2})&system=(\d{1,3})&planet=(\d{1,2})/i);
if (!coords) return;
var galaxy = document.getElementById('galaxy_input').value;
var system = document.getElementById('system_input').value;
var position = Utils.getElementByClassName('position', row).innerHTML;
if (coords[1]!=galaxy || coords[2]!=system || coords[3]!=position)
row.style.borderStyle = 'dashed';
row.style.borderColor = 'yellow';
row.style.borderWidth = '1px';
catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
showDebris: function (row)
try {
var debris = Utils.getElementByClassName('debris', row);
var link = Utils.getElementByClassName( (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.1')?'TTgalaxy':'tipsGalaxy', debris);
if(!link) return;
var img = link.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
// getting resources of this DF
var content = Utils.getElementsByClassName('debris-content',debris);
var resources = new Array();
var sum = 0;
for ( var i=0; i<.snapshotLength; i++ var res = ''+.snapshotItemi.inner.split' '1; resources = res;
res = res.replace(/\./g, '');
sum += parseInt(res, 10);
// creating a new DIV element
newNode = document.createElement('div');
newNode.className = 'anti_debris';
var style = 'color:#CCCCCC; padding: 1px; text-align:center;';
if (sum>Options.galaxyDebrisMin && Options.galaxyDebrisMin>0) style += 'background-color:'+Options.galaxyDebrisColor+';';
newNode.setAttribute('style', style);
newNode.innerHTML = ''+resources[0]+'
'+resources[1]; link.replaceChild(newNode, img); } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } }, showMoon: function (row) { try { var size = Utils.XPathSingle('TD[@class="moon"]/DIV/DIV/DIV/UL/LI[3]/SPAN', row); if (!size) return; size = Options.Interface.lbl_Moon + ': ' + Utils.parseInt(size.innerHTML); var img = Utils.XPathSingle('TD[@class="moon"]/A/IMG',row); img.parentNode.style.color = '#CCCCCC'; img.alt = size; if (!Names.showImgAlt(img) && Options.galaxyHideMoon) img.src = ''; } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } }, showRank: function (row) { try { var player = Utils.getElementByClassName('playername', row); var rank = Utils.getElementByClassName('rank', player); if (!rank) return; rank = Utils.parseInt(rank.innerHTML); if (rank) { var newNode; if (Options.galaxy_killTips) { newNode = document.createElement('a'); newNode.href = 'index.php?page=statistics&session='+Utils.unsafeWindow.session+'&start='+rank; } else newNode = document.createElement('span'); newNode.setAttribute('class','anti_rank'); newNode.innerHTML = ' #'+rank; var color=Options.galaxyRankColor; if (rank==0) color=Options.constRank0; else if (rank' + allyname.innerHTML + ''; } } // Displaying rank rank = Utils.parseInt(rank.innerHTML); members = Utils.parseInt(members.innerHTML); var str = ''; if (rank && !isNaN(rank)) str += '#'+rank; if (members && !isNaN(members)) str += '/'+members; if (str) { var newNode; if (Options.galaxy_killTips) { newNode = document.createElement('a'); newNode.href = 'index.php?page=statistics&session='+Utils.unsafeWindow.session+'&who=ally&start='+rank; } else newNode = document.createElement('span'); newNode.className = 'anti_allyrank'; newNode.innerHTML = ' '+str; color=Options.galaxyRankColor; newNode.style.color = color; ally.appendChild(newNode); } }, killTips: function() { var selector = ""; var tipsClass = (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.1') ? 'TTgalaxy' : 'tipsGalaxy'; if (Options.galaxy_keepTipsPlanets) selector = '.microplanet, .moon .'+tipsClass; if (Options.galaxy_keepTipsDebris) selector += (selector?',':'') + '.debris .'+tipsClass; var initCluetip = function() { if (selector) Utils.unsafeWindow.$(selector).cluetip("destroy") /*.cluetip({local:true,cluetipClass:"galaxy",width:250,showTitle:false,closeDelay:250,mouseOutClose:true,hoverIntent:false})*/ .cluetip({local:true,cluetipClass:'galaxy',width:250,showTitle:false,delayedClose:500, mouseOutClose:true,hoverIntent:false,clickThrough:false,sticky:true}) } if (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.1') Utils.unsafeWindow.AjaxCluetip = initCluetip; else Utils.unsafeWindow.initCluetip = initCluetip; }, onDOMNodeInserted: function(e) { if(!e || !e.target || !e.target.id || e.target.id != "galaxytable") return; Galaxy.redrawGalaxy(); }, insertCSSRules: function() { if (Options.galaxy_killTips) { Utils.insertCSSRule('.allytag a {text-decoration:none; color:#CFCBC2;}'); } }, redrawGalaxy: function () { try { /* prevent double execution (in Chrome) */ var container = document.getElementById('galaxytable'); if (container.getAttribute('antigame_processed')) return; container.setAttribute('antigame_processed', '1'); document.body.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", Galaxy.onDOMNodeInserted, false); var rows = Utils.XPath('//*[@id="galaxyContent"]/descendant::*[@class="row"]'); for ( var i=0; i\' + fvalue + ")") .find("a") .addClass("quantity_link") .click(function(){ $(this).parent().parent().next().find("input") .attr("value",value); }); })'; Utils.runScript(code); }, insertCSSRules: function() { Utils.insertCSSRule('.quantity_link {color:#5577EE !important;}'); }, Run: function() { this.insertCSSRules(); this.Show(); } }; var Names = { // workaround for weird Firefox behaviour with images containing NO alt attribute showImgAlt: function(img) { if (Utils.isFirefox && img.clientWidth == 0) { img.style.display = 'none'; setTimeout(function(){img.style.display = 'inline'}, 150); return true; } return false; }, insertCSSRules: function() { Utils.insertCSSRule('.itemname { position: absolute; top: 8px; right: 3px; max-width: 76px; height: auto !important; background: transparent url("'+Utils.bg+'") repeat !important; text-align: right; font-size: 10px; overflow: hidden; }'); if (Utils.page == 'techtree'){ Utils.insertCSSRule('.redBorder .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorOff+'; }'); Utils.insertCSSRule('.greenBorder .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorOn+'; }'); } else { Utils.insertCSSRule('.off .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorOff+'; }'); Utils.insertCSSRule('.on .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorOn+'; }'); Utils.insertCSSRule('.disabled .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorDisabled+'; }'); } }, showBuildingResNames: function() { try { var images = Utils.XPath('//*[@id="costs"]/descendant::*[contains(@class,"metal")][@title]/IMG'); if (!images) return; for (var i=0; i 0) { var offset = 0; if ( Utils.getElementsByClassName('smallplanet').snapshotLength > 5 ) offset = -10; Utils.insertCSSRule('.constructionName { font-size: 10px; color: grey; '+(offset?'position:relative; top:'+offset+'px;':'')+' }'); } for (var i=0; i'+ (Options.msg_addSimButton==1?'WebSim':'DragoSim')+''; Utils.insertAfter(sim, attack); sim.addEventListener('click', function(e){ SpyReport.submitToSim(e) }, false); } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } }, createWebSimForm: function() { function addTech(id, param) { if (Ogame.getTech(id) > -1) SpyReport.sim_form.action += '&'+param+'='+Ogame.getTech(id); } var lang = Utils.server_lang.toLowerCase(); if (Utils.server_lang == 'HR') lang = 'ba'; else if (Utils.server == 'US') lang = 'us'; this.sim_form = document.createElement('form'); this.sim_form.id = 'sim_form'; this.sim_form.method = 'POST'; this.sim_form.action = 'http://websim.speedsim.net/index.php?version=1&lang='+lang; // techs addTech(Ogame.TECH_WEAPONS, 'tech_a0_0'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_SHIELD, 'tech_a0_1'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_ARMOUR, 'tech_a0_2'); // drives addTech(Ogame.TECH_COMB_DRIVE, 'engine0_0'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_IMPULSE_DRIVE, 'engine0_1'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_HYPER_DRIVE, 'engine0_2'); //coords var coords = Ogame.getActiveCoords(); if (coords) this.sim_form.action += '&start_pos='+coords.galaxy+':'+coords.system+':'+coords.planet; this.sim_form.action += '&perc-df='+Options.uni_DFPercent; this.sim_form.target = '_websim'; this.sim_form.innerHTML = '< ="" id="sim_" name="re" />'; document.body.appendChild(this.sim_form); }, createDragoSimForm: function() { function addParam(name, value) { return '< ="" name="'+name+'" value="'+value+'"/>'; } function addTech(id, param) { if (Ogame.getTech(id) > -1) return addParam(param, Ogame.getTech(id)); } var lang = 'english'; if (Utils.server_lang == 'BA') lang = 'bosnian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'BR') lang = 'brazilian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'BG') lang = 'bulgarian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == '') lang = 'catalan'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'CZ') lang = 'czech'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'DK') lang = 'danish'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'NL') lang = 'dutch'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'EN') lang = 'english'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'FR') lang = 'french'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'DE') lang = 'german'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'GR') lang = 'greek'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'HU') lang = 'hungarian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'IT') lang = 'italian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'KR') lang = 'korean'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'PL') lang = 'polish'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'PT') lang = 'portuguese'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'RO') lang = 'romanian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'RU') lang = 'russian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'SK') lang = 'slovak'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'ES') lang = 'spanish'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'SE') lang = 'swedish'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'TW') lang = 'taiwanese'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'TR') lang = 'turkish'; this.sim_form = document.createElement('form'); this.sim_form.id = 'sim_form'; this.sim_form.method = 'POST'; this.sim_form.action = 'http://drago-sim.com/'; this.sim_form.target = '_dragosim'; var html = addParam('lang', lang); // techs html += addTech(Ogame.TECH_WEAPONS, 'techs[0][0][w_t]'); html += addTech(Ogame.TECH_SHIELD, 'techs[0][0][s_t]'); html += addTech(Ogame.TECH_ARMOUR, 'techs[0][0][r_p]'); /* // drives addTech(Ogame.TECH_COMB_DRIVE, 'engine0_0'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_IMPULSE_DRIVE, 'engine0_1'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_HYPER_DRIVE, 'engine0_2'); //coords var coords = Ogame.getActiveCoords(); if (coords) this.sim_form.action += '&start_pos='+coords.galaxy+':'+coords.system+':'+coords.planet;*/ html += addParam('debris_ratio', Options.uni_DFPercent/100 ); html += '< ="" id="sim_" name="scan" />'; this.sim_form.innerHTML = html; document.body.appendChild(this.sim_form); }, submitToSim: function(evt) { if (!this.sim_form) { if (Options.msg_addSimButton == 1) this.createWebSimForm(); else if (Options.msg_addSimButton == 2) this.createDragoSimForm(); } if (!this.sim_form) return; var report = evt.target .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode .innerHTML.replace(/<^>]+>|\n/g,''); document.getElementById('sim_input').value = (Options.msg_addSimButton == 1 ? encodeURI(report) : report); this.sim_form.submit(); }, insertCSSRules: function() { Utils.insertCSSRule(".plkey { width: 30% }"); Utils.insertCSSRule(".plvalue { width: 20% }"); Utils.insertCSSRule(".plunder { border: 1px solid grey !important; }"); Utils.insertCSSRule("table.plunder { border-collapse: collapse; }"); Utils.insertCSSRule(".plkey, .plvalue { padding: 5px !important; }"); Utils.insertCSSRule(".dummy { width: 33% !important; }"); }, Show: function() { //this.insertCSSRules(); var container; if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('showmessage') ) { container = document.getElementById("messagebox"); } else { container = document.getElementById("messageContent"); } var rows = Utils.getElementsByClassName('material spy', container); for (var i=0; i0) {
var opt = Utils.XPathSingle('//SELECT/OPTION[@id="'+mod+'"]');
if (opt) title = opt.innerHTML;
var btn = document.createElement('input');
btn.type = 'button';
btn.value = value;
if (mod==12) btn.style.color = '#00CC22';
else if (mod==-12) btn.style.color = '#229922';
else if (mod==7) btn.style.color = '#660011';
else if (mod==-7) btn.style.color = '#993300';
else if (mod==9) btn.style.color = '#990000';
if (title) btn.title = title;
btn.setAttribute('mod', mod);
// Recycle bin
if (Utils.unsafeWindow.aktCat == 3) return;
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.className = 'msgButtons';
insertButton('V', 12);
insertButton('VV', -12, Options.Interface.lbl_btnMarkReadAll);
insertButton('X', 7);
insertButton('Xx', -7, Options.Interface.lbl_btnDeleteSmallPlunder);
insertButton('XX', 9);
var form = Utils.XPathSingle('//FORM[@name="delMsg"]');
form.parentNode.insertBefore(span, form);
var $ = Utils.$;
Utils.insertAfter( $('.msgButtons').clone(true).get(0), form);
$('.msgButtons input').click(Messages.onButtonClick);
onButtonClick: function()
try {
var mod = this.getAttribute('mod');
if (mod>0) {
Utils.unsafeWindow.mod = mod;
Utils.trigger(Utils.getElementByClassName('buttonOK deleteIt'), 'click');
else if (mod == -12 || mod == -7) {
var delIds = [];
var classname = ( mod == -12) ? 'trigger new' : 'trigger smallplunder';
var nodes = Utils.getElementsByClassName(classname);
for (var i=0; i .[Y] [H]::[s]' );
'//*[@id="mailz"]/TBODY/TR[contains(@id,"spioDetails")]/descendant::*[@class="material spy"]/TBODY/TR/TH',
-[d] [H]::[s]' );
else if (Utils.isCurrentPage('showmessage'))
'//*[contains(@class,"infohead")]/TABLE/TBODY/TR[last()]/TD | '+
.[Y] [H]::[s]' );
'//*[@class="material spy"]/TBODY/TR/TH',
-[d] [H]::[s]' );
onDOMNodeInserted: function(e)
if(!e || !e.target || e.target.tagName != 'FORM' || e.target.name != 'delMsg' ) return;
Show: function()
try {
/* prevent double execution (in Chrome) */
if (Utils.page == 'messages')
var container = document.getElementsByName('delMsg')[0];
if (container.getAttribute('antigame_processed')) return;
container.setAttribute('antigame_processed', '1');
var need_plunder = false;
if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('messages') && Options.msg_PlunderThreshold && (Options.msg_foldSmallPlunder || Options.msg_addButtons) )
need_plunder = true;
if (Options.msg_showPlunder || need_plunder || Options.msg_addSimButton) {
if (Options.timeSetting == 1) {
if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('messages') && Options.msg_PlunderThreshold && Options.msg_foldSmallPlunder)
setTimeout( function() { Utils.$('.smallplunder .subject a').trigger('click') }, 0);
if ( Options.msg_addButtons && Utils.isCurrentPage('messages') ) {
if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('showmessage') ) {
var span = Utils.XPathSingle('//DIV[@class="note"]/SPAN[contains(@class,"tips") and @title]');
if (span) {
var text = span.title.toString();
text = text.replace(/
$/gi, '').replace(/
/gi, ', ').replace(/\|/gi, ''); if (text) span.innerHTML += ' ('+text+')'; } } } catch(e) { Utils.log(e); } }, insertCSSRules: function() { if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('messages') ) { Utils.insertCSSRule('.msgButtons input { ' + '-moz-background-clip:border;' + '-moz-background-inline-policy:continuous;' + '-moz-background-origin:padding;' + 'background:transparent url(./img/layout/formular_buttons.gif) no-repeat scroll -88px -54px;' + 'border:0 none;' + 'color:#0D1014;' + 'cursor:pointer;' + 'font-size:11px;' + 'font-weight:700;' + 'text-align:center;' + 'height: 27px; ' + 'width: 42px; ' + '}'); Utils.insertCSSRule('.msgButtons input:hover { ' + 'background:transparent url(./img/layout/formular_buttons.gif) no-repeat scroll -88px -80px;' + '}'); } SpyReport.insertCSSRules(); }, Run: function() { this.insertCSSRules(); if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('messages') ) { document.getElementById('section2').addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', this.onDOMNodeInserted, false); // workaround for Opera if (Utils.XPathSingle('//FORM[@name="delMsg"]')) this.Show(); if (Options.msg_killTips) Utils.unsafeWindow.initCluetip = function(){}; } else this.Show(); } }; var Misc = { scrollTitle: function() { document.body.setAttribute('original_title', document.title); var scroller = {}; scroller.title = document.title; scroller.index = 0; var counter = document.getElementById('tempcounter'); var content = document.getElementById('eventContent'); var blank = document.getElementById('eventboxBlank'); scroller.run = function (){ if (blank.offsetHeight) { document.title = this.title; return; } if (content && counter && counter.offsetHeight) { var t = this.title + ': ' + counter.innerHTML + ' ' + content.innerHTML + ' '; t = t.substr(this.index) + t.substr(0, this.index); this.index = (this.index+1) % t.length; document.title = t; } else document.title = this.title; setTimeout(function(){scroller.run()}, 200); } setTimeout(function(){scroller.run()}, 200); } }; var Network = { /*showMemberScores: function() { try { var items = Utils.XPath('//*[@class="member_score"]/SPAN'); for (var i=0; i Network.Show() => The element \"link12\" is missing or it have a different rel."); return; }
if (list.className == 'closed')
Run: function()
// Invoke now if the element already exist
var eins = document.getElementById("eins");
if(!eins) { Utils.log("Error => Network.Run() => The element \"eins\" is missing."); return; }
// Invoked on page loading (not always) and also when you click on buttons
eins.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", this.onDOMNodeInserted, false);
// =======================================================================
// Various resources calculation
// =======================================================================
var Resources =
res_array: ['metal', 'crystal', 'deuterium', 'energy'],
res_array_firstcap: ['Metal', 'Crystal', 'Deuterium', 'Energy'],
currentRes: {},
costRes: {},
res_container: null,
addResButtons: function()
.attr({type:'button', value:'0%', ref:'0'})
.attr({value:'100%', ref:'100'})
addCell: function(key, value)
if (this.html) this.html += ' ';
this.html += key+':'+Utils.formatNumber(value)+'';
showMissing: function()
// will not show missing res if the construction is already in process
if (Utils.getElementByClassName('abort')) return;
container = Utils.XPathSingle('//*[@id="detail"]/DIV[@class="pic"]');
if (!container) return;
var sum = 0, show = false;
for (var i=0; i<.res_array.length; i++ var attr = .res_array;
if (attr != 'energy')
this.currentRes[attr] = Utils.getIntById('resources_'+attr);
else {
var energy = document.getElementById('energy_box').title;
energy = energy.match(/\([\-\d\.]+\/([\-\d\.]+)\)/);
if (energy)
this.currentRes[attr] = Utils.parseInt(energy[1]);
this.costRes[attr] = Utils.getIntByXPath(
if (this.costRes[attr] == null) continue;
var def = this.costRes[attr] - this.currentRes[attr];
if (def>0) {
SimpleTable.addCell(Options.Labels['lbl_'+attr], def, attr);
show = true;
if (attr != 'energy') sum += def;
if (!show) return;
var html = ''+SimpleTable.createTableString()+'
SimpleTable.addCell(Options.Labels.lbl_shipSCargo, Math.ceil(sum/5000));
SimpleTable.addCell(Options.Labels.lbl_shipLCargo, Math.ceil(sum/25000));
html += ''+SimpleTable.createTableString()+'
var node = document.createElement('div');
node.id = 'deficient';
node.innerHTML = html;
catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
showProduction: function()
try {
var id = document.getElementsByName('type')[0];
if (!id) return;
id = parseInt(id.value,10);
var level = Utils.XPathSingle('//*[@ref="'+id+'"]/descendant::*[@class="level"]');
if (!level) return;
level = Utils.parseInt(level.lastChild.nodeValue);
var str, oldvalue, newvalue;
var $ = Utils.$;
// energy consumption
var spareEnergy = Utils.getIntById('resources_energy');
var energy = $('#action ul li')
.filter( function(){return $(this).html().indexOf( Options.Labels.lbl_RequiredEnergy ) >- 1 } )
var missingEnergy = spareEnergy - Utils.parseInt( energy.html() );
var sats = Math.ceil( -missingEnergy / Ogame.getProduction(212,0) );
str = (sats>0) ? '('+sats+' '+Options.Interface.lbl_shipSatelliteAlt+')' : '';
energy.after( Utils.addSpanMark(missingEnergy) + str );
str = '';
// deuterium consumption in fusion reactor
if (id == 12) {
oldvalue = -Ogame.getConsumption(id,level);
newvalue = -Ogame.getConsumption(id,level+1);
str = ''+Options.Labels['lbl_deuterium']+': '+Utils.formatNumber(newvalue)+' '
+ Utils.addSpanMark(newvalue-oldvalue)+' ';
$('#action ul').append(str);
// res/energy production
oldvalue = Ogame.getProduction(id,level);
newvalue = Ogame.getProduction(id,level+1);
if (id != 212 && (newvalue || isNaN(newvalue) ) ) {
str = ''+Options.Interface.lbl_Production + ': '+Utils.formatNumber(newvalue)+' '
+ Utils.addSpanMark(newvalue-oldvalue)+' ';
$('#action ul').append(str);
// storage capacity
oldvalue = Ogame.getStorageCapacity(id,level);
newvalue = Ogame.getStorageCapacity(id,level+1);
if (newvalue)
var element = $('#description div.display div').get(0);
var label = element.firstChild.nodeValue;
str = ''+label+' '+Utils.formatNumber(newvalue)+' '
+ Utils.addSpanMark(newvalue-oldvalue)+' ';
$('#action ul').append(str);
Utils.log("Error => Missing element in Resources.showProduction()");
// if at least 1 line was appended - increase size of the container
if (str) $('#action ul').css('padding-top', '0');
} catch (e) { Utils.log(e) }
Missing_insertCSSRules: function()
'#deficient table tr td, #deficient table tr th { padding: 1px; font-size: 11px; color: white; /*font-family: "Arial";*/ }');
'#deficient { background: transparent url("'+Utils.bg+'") repeat; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; } ');
Resources_insertCSSRules: function()
var width = 151;
'.antires { margin: 2px !important; padding: 4px !important; display: block; width: '+width+'px !important; height: auto !important; float: left !important; background: #0D1014 !important; border: 1px solid #606060 !important; text-align: center !important; font-size: 10px !important; list-style: none outside !important; }');
/* ' + ((Options.showResources == 1) ? 'margin-left: -40px;' : '') + ' \ */
'.finishtime { color: green; }');
'#links { overflow: visible; }');
if (Options.showResources == 2) {
'#links { position: relative; }');
'#antires_cont { position: absolute; top: 0; left: -171px; width: '+(width+13)+'px; }');
Resources_createContainer: function(ul)
'; if (res != 'energy') { html += ''; html += '' + current.firstChild.nodeValue + ' / '; html += storage.firstChild.nodeValue; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '(' + prod.firstChild.nodeValue + ')'; } else // since 2.2.6 { var consumed = prod.firstChild.nodeValue.replace('-',''); var total = storage.firstChild.nodeValue.replace('+',''); html += ''; html += current.firstChild.nodeValue; html += '
'; html += '(' + consumed + '/ '+ total + ')'; } } node.innerHTML = html; this.Resources_append(node); if (res != 'energy') { var t = Utils.unsafeWindow[ticker_name]; var time_to_fill = t.production ? Math.floor((t.limit[1] - t.available)/t.production) : -1; if (time_to_fill>0) { node.innerHTML += '
'+DateTime.formatDate2(DateTime.getFinishTime(time_to_fill))+''; } var script = ' var newticker = {}; newticker.available = oldticker.available; newticker.limit = oldticker.limit; newticker.production = oldticker.production; newticker.valueElem = ticker_id; if (!vacation) new resourceTicker(newticker); '; script = script.replace(/oldticker/g, ticker_name); script = script.replace(/newticker/g, ticker_name+'2'); script = script.replace(/ticker_id/g, '"'+ticker_id+'"'); Utils.runScript(script); } } } }; var Buildings = { showRange: function(id) { var spanInfo = Utils.getElementByClassName('solarSatEnergyInfo'); if (!spanInfo) return; var range = Utils.parseInt(spanInfo.innerHTML); var coords = Ogame.getActiveCoords(); if (!coords || !range) return; var system1 = coords.system-range; var system2 = coords.system+range; if (Utils.page != 'defense') { system1++; system2--; } system1 = Math.max(system1, 1); system2 = Math.min(system2, 499); range = ' ('+coords.galaxy+':'+system1+' - '+coords.galaxy+':'+system2+')'; spanInfo.innerHTML += range; }, Show: function(e) { if (!e || !e.target || e.target.id != 'content') return; if (Options.showDeficient) Resources.showMissing(); if (Utils.isCurrentPage('resources')) Resources.showProduction(); var id = document.getElementsByName('type')[0]; if (id) id = parseInt(id.value,10); // phalax and IPM range if (id == 42 || id == 503) this.showRange(id); Names.showBuildingResNames(); }, Run: function() { if (Options.showDeficient) Resources.Missing_insertCSSRules(); var planet = document.getElementById("planet"); if(!planet) { Utils.log("Error => Buildings.Run() => The element \"planet\" is missing."); return; } planet.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(e){ setTimeout(function(){ Buildings.Show(e); }, 0); }, false); } }; var Stats = { highlightAllyPlayer: function(row) { function parseAlly(name) { var res; if (name) { res = name.match(/\[(.+)\]/i); if (res) res = res[1]; } return res; } Colorer.highlight(Colorer.PLAYER, 'descendant::*[@class="name"]/A', row); Colorer.highlight(Colorer.ALLY, 'descendant::*[@class="ally-tag"]/A', row, parseAlly); }, showStatsDifs: function(row) { stats = Utils.XPathSingle('descendant::*[@class="overmark" or @class="undermark"][@title]', row); if (stats) stats.innerHTML = stats.getAttribute ("title"); }, onDOMNodeInserted: function(e) { if(!e || !e.relatedNode || !e.target || e.relatedNode.id != "statisticsContent" || e.target.className != "content") return; Stats.Show(); }, Show: function() { try { var paging = document.getElementById('paging').cloneNode(true); Utils.insertAfter( paging, document.getElementById('row') ); } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } var rows = document.getElementById('ranks').getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var i=0; i);
Run: function()
// Invoke now if the element already exist
var send = document.getElementById('send');
if(send && send.parentNode.className == "content")
var statisticsContent = document.getElementById("statisticsContent");
if(!statisticsContent) { Utils.log("Error => Stats.Run() => The element \"statisticsContent\" is missing."); return; }
// Invoked on page loading (not always) and also when you click on buttons
statisticsContent.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", this.onDOMNodeInserted, false);
try {
// REMINDER: these objects should be initialized strictly in the following order:
// Utils, Options, DateTime
// if not ogame page = just init coordinates processing
if ( ! Utils.ogame ) {
if ( Options.autocopyCoords && Options.autocopyGlobal ) {
// checking whether we have redesign at this server
if (!Utils.checkRedesign()) return;
if (Options.autocopyCoords) Coords.Init();
if (Utils.gmEnabled && Options.update_check /*&& Utils.isCurrentPage('overview')*/)
if (Options.blockAutoComplete && !Utils.isCurrentPage('movement')) {
if (Utils.isCurrentPage('research'))
if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('statistics,galaxy') )
if ( Options.showNames )
if (Options.showConstructionTitle)
if (Options.timeSetting == 1) {
// vac. mode toooltip
DateTime.changeNodesTime('//*[@id="advice-bar"]/A', '[d].
.[Y] [H]::[s]', 'title');
if ( !Utils.isCurrentPage('fleet2,fleet3') )
if (Options.showPageStartTime) DateTime.showPageStartTime();
if (Options.shortHeader && Utils.getElementByClassName('toggleHeader') && document.getElementById('planet').className != 'shortHeader') {
if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('fleet1') ) {
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('fleet2') ) {
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('fleet3') ) {
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('galaxy') ) {
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('movement') ) {
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('phalanx') ) {
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('showmessage,messages') ) {
if ( Options.msg_fixColors && Utils.isCurrentPage('messages') )
Utils.insertCSSRule('.combatreport_ididattack_iwon { color: #00B000; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.combatreport_ididattack_ilost { color: #D02222; }');
Utils.insertCSSRule('.combatreport_ididattack_draw { color: #C0C000; }');
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('alliance') ) {
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('statistics') ) {
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('overview,resources,shipyard,station,station-moon,defense') ) {
if (Options.showFinishTime) FinishTime.ShowConstructions();
else if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('resourceSettings') ) {
if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('resources,station,station-moon,research,shipyard,defense') )
if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('jumpgatelayer') )
if ( Options.showResources )
if (Options.misc_scrollTitle && ! Utils.isCurrentPage('showmessage,eventlist, phalanx') )
catch (e) {

'+res.cargo; var picto = Utils.XPathSingle( 'descendant::*[contains(@class,"starStreak")]/' + 'descendant::*[contains(@class,"route")]', fleet); //picto.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, picto); picto.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, picto); picto.style.display = "none"; // set 'openDetails' button handler var btn = Utils.XPathSingle('descendant::*[contains(@class,"openDetails")]/A', fleet); btn.addEventListener("click", function (){ setTimeout(function (){ FleetMovement.myOpenCloseFleet(fleet.id, 1); }, 0); }, false); // invoke the handler this.myOpenCloseFleet(fleet.id, 0); } catch(e) { Utils.log(e) } }, showTargetName: function(fleet) { try { var name = Utils.getElementByClassName('destinationCoords', fleet); if (!name || !name.title || !name.title=='|') return; name = name.title.slice(1); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'targetName'; span.innerHTML = name; var mission = Utils.getElementByClassName('mission', fleet); Utils.insertAfter(span, mission); } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } }, Run: function() { if (!Options.mvmt_expandFleets && !Options.mvmt_showReversal) return; this.insertCSSRules(); if (Utils.ogameVersion == '1.1') this.tipsClass = 'tips4'; else this.tipsClass = 'tipsTitleSmall'; var fleets = Utils.XPath(FleetMovement.fleetXPath); for (var i=0; i
< id="calc_g" value="'+target.galaxy+'"> : < id="calc_s" value="'+target.system+'"> : < id="calc_p" value="'+target.planet+'">
var btnSave = ''+addResLink('metal')+addResLink('crystal')+addResLink('deuterium')+' | '+Options.Interface.lbl_total+' | |||
'+addResInput('metal')+addResInput('crystal')+addResInput('deuterium')+' | 0 | |||
'+Options.Interface.lbl_shipSCargoAlt+' | '+Options.Interface.lbl_shipLCargoAlt+' | '+Options.Interface.lbl_shipRecyclerAlt+' | '+coords+' | |
'+Options.Interface.lbl_Quantity+' | '+addShipLink(202)+addShipLink(203)+addShipLink(209)+addSL()+'||||
'+Options.Interface.lbl_Consumption+' | '+addShipCons(202)+addShipCons(203)+addShipCons(209)+btnClear+'||||
'+Options.Interface.lbl_Duration+' | '+addShipDur(202)+addShipDur(203)+addShipDur(209)+btnSave+'
'+resources[1]; link.replaceChild(newNode, img); } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } }, showMoon: function (row) { try { var size = Utils.XPathSingle('TD[@class="moon"]/DIV/DIV/DIV/UL/LI[3]/SPAN', row); if (!size) return; size = Options.Interface.lbl_Moon + ': ' + Utils.parseInt(size.innerHTML); var img = Utils.XPathSingle('TD[@class="moon"]/A/IMG',row); img.parentNode.style.color = '#CCCCCC'; img.alt = size; if (!Names.showImgAlt(img) && Options.galaxyHideMoon) img.src = ''; } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } }, showRank: function (row) { try { var player = Utils.getElementByClassName('playername', row); var rank = Utils.getElementByClassName('rank', player); if (!rank) return; rank = Utils.parseInt(rank.innerHTML); if (rank) { var newNode; if (Options.galaxy_killTips) { newNode = document.createElement('a'); newNode.href = 'index.php?page=statistics&session='+Utils.unsafeWindow.session+'&start='+rank; } else newNode = document.createElement('span'); newNode.setAttribute('class','anti_rank'); newNode.innerHTML = ' #'+rank; var color=Options.galaxyRankColor; if (rank==0) color=Options.constRank0; else if (rank' + allyname.innerHTML + ''; } } // Displaying rank rank = Utils.parseInt(rank.innerHTML); members = Utils.parseInt(members.innerHTML); var str = ''; if (rank && !isNaN(rank)) str += '#'+rank; if (members && !isNaN(members)) str += '/'+members; if (str) { var newNode; if (Options.galaxy_killTips) { newNode = document.createElement('a'); newNode.href = 'index.php?page=statistics&session='+Utils.unsafeWindow.session+'&who=ally&start='+rank; } else newNode = document.createElement('span'); newNode.className = 'anti_allyrank'; newNode.innerHTML = ' '+str; color=Options.galaxyRankColor; newNode.style.color = color; ally.appendChild(newNode); } }, killTips: function() { var selector = ""; var tipsClass = (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.1') ? 'TTgalaxy' : 'tipsGalaxy'; if (Options.galaxy_keepTipsPlanets) selector = '.microplanet, .moon .'+tipsClass; if (Options.galaxy_keepTipsDebris) selector += (selector?',':'') + '.debris .'+tipsClass; var initCluetip = function() { if (selector) Utils.unsafeWindow.$(selector).cluetip("destroy") /*.cluetip({local:true,cluetipClass:"galaxy",width:250,showTitle:false,closeDelay:250,mouseOutClose:true,hoverIntent:false})*/ .cluetip({local:true,cluetipClass:'galaxy',width:250,showTitle:false,delayedClose:500, mouseOutClose:true,hoverIntent:false,clickThrough:false,sticky:true}) } if (Utils.ogameVersion=='1.1') Utils.unsafeWindow.AjaxCluetip = initCluetip; else Utils.unsafeWindow.initCluetip = initCluetip; }, onDOMNodeInserted: function(e) { if(!e || !e.target || !e.target.id || e.target.id != "galaxytable") return; Galaxy.redrawGalaxy(); }, insertCSSRules: function() { if (Options.galaxy_killTips) { Utils.insertCSSRule('.allytag a {text-decoration:none; color:#CFCBC2;}'); } }, redrawGalaxy: function () { try { /* prevent double execution (in Chrome) */ var container = document.getElementById('galaxytable'); if (container.getAttribute('antigame_processed')) return; container.setAttribute('antigame_processed', '1'); document.body.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", Galaxy.onDOMNodeInserted, false); var rows = Utils.XPath('//*[@id="galaxyContent"]/descendant::*[@class="row"]'); for ( var i=0; i\' + fvalue + ")") .find("a") .addClass("quantity_link") .click(function(){ $(this).parent().parent().next().find("input") .attr("value",value); }); })'; Utils.runScript(code); }, insertCSSRules: function() { Utils.insertCSSRule('.quantity_link {color:#5577EE !important;}'); }, Run: function() { this.insertCSSRules(); this.Show(); } }; var Names = { // workaround for weird Firefox behaviour with images containing NO alt attribute showImgAlt: function(img) { if (Utils.isFirefox && img.clientWidth == 0) { img.style.display = 'none'; setTimeout(function(){img.style.display = 'inline'}, 150); return true; } return false; }, insertCSSRules: function() { Utils.insertCSSRule('.itemname { position: absolute; top: 8px; right: 3px; max-width: 76px; height: auto !important; background: transparent url("'+Utils.bg+'") repeat !important; text-align: right; font-size: 10px; overflow: hidden; }'); if (Utils.page == 'techtree'){ Utils.insertCSSRule('.redBorder .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorOff+'; }'); Utils.insertCSSRule('.greenBorder .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorOn+'; }'); } else { Utils.insertCSSRule('.off .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorOff+'; }'); Utils.insertCSSRule('.on .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorOn+'; }'); Utils.insertCSSRule('.disabled .itemname { color: '+Options.nameColorDisabled+'; }'); } }, showBuildingResNames: function() { try { var images = Utils.XPath('//*[@id="costs"]/descendant::*[contains(@class,"metal")][@title]/IMG'); if (!images) return; for (var i=0; i 0) { var offset = 0; if ( Utils.getElementsByClassName('smallplanet').snapshotLength > 5 ) offset = -10; Utils.insertCSSRule('.constructionName { font-size: 10px; color: grey; '+(offset?'position:relative; top:'+offset+'px;':'')+' }'); } for (var i=0; i'+ (Options.msg_addSimButton==1?'WebSim':'DragoSim')+''; Utils.insertAfter(sim, attack); sim.addEventListener('click', function(e){ SpyReport.submitToSim(e) }, false); } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } }, createWebSimForm: function() { function addTech(id, param) { if (Ogame.getTech(id) > -1) SpyReport.sim_form.action += '&'+param+'='+Ogame.getTech(id); } var lang = Utils.server_lang.toLowerCase(); if (Utils.server_lang == 'HR') lang = 'ba'; else if (Utils.server == 'US') lang = 'us'; this.sim_form = document.createElement('form'); this.sim_form.id = 'sim_form'; this.sim_form.method = 'POST'; this.sim_form.action = 'http://websim.speedsim.net/index.php?version=1&lang='+lang; // techs addTech(Ogame.TECH_WEAPONS, 'tech_a0_0'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_SHIELD, 'tech_a0_1'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_ARMOUR, 'tech_a0_2'); // drives addTech(Ogame.TECH_COMB_DRIVE, 'engine0_0'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_IMPULSE_DRIVE, 'engine0_1'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_HYPER_DRIVE, 'engine0_2'); //coords var coords = Ogame.getActiveCoords(); if (coords) this.sim_form.action += '&start_pos='+coords.galaxy+':'+coords.system+':'+coords.planet; this.sim_form.action += '&perc-df='+Options.uni_DFPercent; this.sim_form.target = '_websim'; this.sim_form.innerHTML = '< ="" id="sim_" name="re" />'; document.body.appendChild(this.sim_form); }, createDragoSimForm: function() { function addParam(name, value) { return '< ="" name="'+name+'" value="'+value+'"/>'; } function addTech(id, param) { if (Ogame.getTech(id) > -1) return addParam(param, Ogame.getTech(id)); } var lang = 'english'; if (Utils.server_lang == 'BA') lang = 'bosnian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'BR') lang = 'brazilian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'BG') lang = 'bulgarian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == '') lang = 'catalan'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'CZ') lang = 'czech'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'DK') lang = 'danish'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'NL') lang = 'dutch'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'EN') lang = 'english'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'FR') lang = 'french'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'DE') lang = 'german'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'GR') lang = 'greek'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'HU') lang = 'hungarian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'IT') lang = 'italian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'KR') lang = 'korean'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'PL') lang = 'polish'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'PT') lang = 'portuguese'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'RO') lang = 'romanian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'RU') lang = 'russian'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'SK') lang = 'slovak'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'ES') lang = 'spanish'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'SE') lang = 'swedish'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'TW') lang = 'taiwanese'; else if (Utils.server_lang == 'TR') lang = 'turkish'; this.sim_form = document.createElement('form'); this.sim_form.id = 'sim_form'; this.sim_form.method = 'POST'; this.sim_form.action = 'http://drago-sim.com/'; this.sim_form.target = '_dragosim'; var html = addParam('lang', lang); // techs html += addTech(Ogame.TECH_WEAPONS, 'techs[0][0][w_t]'); html += addTech(Ogame.TECH_SHIELD, 'techs[0][0][s_t]'); html += addTech(Ogame.TECH_ARMOUR, 'techs[0][0][r_p]'); /* // drives addTech(Ogame.TECH_COMB_DRIVE, 'engine0_0'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_IMPULSE_DRIVE, 'engine0_1'); addTech(Ogame.TECH_HYPER_DRIVE, 'engine0_2'); //coords var coords = Ogame.getActiveCoords(); if (coords) this.sim_form.action += '&start_pos='+coords.galaxy+':'+coords.system+':'+coords.planet;*/ html += addParam('debris_ratio', Options.uni_DFPercent/100 ); html += '< ="" id="sim_" name="scan" />'; this.sim_form.innerHTML = html; document.body.appendChild(this.sim_form); }, submitToSim: function(evt) { if (!this.sim_form) { if (Options.msg_addSimButton == 1) this.createWebSimForm(); else if (Options.msg_addSimButton == 2) this.createDragoSimForm(); } if (!this.sim_form) return; var report = evt.target .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode .innerHTML.replace(/<^>]+>|\n/g,''); document.getElementById('sim_input').value = (Options.msg_addSimButton == 1 ? encodeURI(report) : report); this.sim_form.submit(); }, insertCSSRules: function() { Utils.insertCSSRule(".plkey { width: 30% }"); Utils.insertCSSRule(".plvalue { width: 20% }"); Utils.insertCSSRule(".plunder { border: 1px solid grey !important; }"); Utils.insertCSSRule("table.plunder { border-collapse: collapse; }"); Utils.insertCSSRule(".plkey, .plvalue { padding: 5px !important; }"); Utils.insertCSSRule(".dummy { width: 33% !important; }"); }, Show: function() { //this.insertCSSRules(); var container; if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('showmessage') ) { container = document.getElementById("messagebox"); } else { container = document.getElementById("messageContent"); } var rows = Utils.getElementsByClassName('material spy', container); for (var i=0; i



$/gi, '').replace(/
/gi, ', ').replace(/\|/gi, ''); if (text) span.innerHTML += ' ('+text+')'; } } } catch(e) { Utils.log(e); } }, insertCSSRules: function() { if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('messages') ) { Utils.insertCSSRule('.msgButtons input { ' + '-moz-background-clip:border;' + '-moz-background-inline-policy:continuous;' + '-moz-background-origin:padding;' + 'background:transparent url(./img/layout/formular_buttons.gif) no-repeat scroll -88px -54px;' + 'border:0 none;' + 'color:#0D1014;' + 'cursor:pointer;' + 'font-size:11px;' + 'font-weight:700;' + 'text-align:center;' + 'height: 27px; ' + 'width: 42px; ' + '}'); Utils.insertCSSRule('.msgButtons input:hover { ' + 'background:transparent url(./img/layout/formular_buttons.gif) no-repeat scroll -88px -80px;' + '}'); } SpyReport.insertCSSRules(); }, Run: function() { this.insertCSSRules(); if ( Utils.isCurrentPage('messages') ) { document.getElementById('section2').addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', this.onDOMNodeInserted, false); // workaround for Opera if (Utils.XPathSingle('//FORM[@name="delMsg"]')) this.Show(); if (Options.msg_killTips) Utils.unsafeWindow.initCluetip = function(){}; } else this.Show(); } }; var Misc = { scrollTitle: function() { document.body.setAttribute('original_title', document.title); var scroller = {}; scroller.title = document.title; scroller.index = 0; var counter = document.getElementById('tempcounter'); var content = document.getElementById('eventContent'); var blank = document.getElementById('eventboxBlank'); scroller.run = function (){ if (blank.offsetHeight) { document.title = this.title; return; } if (content && counter && counter.offsetHeight) { var t = this.title + ': ' + counter.innerHTML + ' ' + content.innerHTML + ' '; t = t.substr(this.index) + t.substr(0, this.index); this.index = (this.index+1) % t.length; document.title = t; } else document.title = this.title; setTimeout(function(){scroller.run()}, 200); } setTimeout(function(){scroller.run()}, 200); } }; var Network = { /*showMemberScores: function() { try { var items = Utils.XPath('//*[@class="member_score"]/SPAN'); for (var i=0; i
', 'text/xml');
var current = doc.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
var storage = doc.getElementsByTagName('span')[1];
var prod = doc.getElementsByTagName('span')[2];
var name = doc.getElementsByTagName('B');
name = name && name[0] || doc.firstChild;
html = '' + name.firstChild.nodeValue.split('|')[0] + '';
html += '/gi,'
'; if (res != 'energy') { html += ''; html += '' + current.firstChild.nodeValue + ' / '; html += storage.firstChild.nodeValue; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '(' + prod.firstChild.nodeValue + ')'; } else // since 2.2.6 { var consumed = prod.firstChild.nodeValue.replace('-',''); var total = storage.firstChild.nodeValue.replace('+',''); html += ''; html += current.firstChild.nodeValue; html += '
'; html += '(' + consumed + '/ '+ total + ')'; } } node.innerHTML = html; this.Resources_append(node); if (res != 'energy') { var t = Utils.unsafeWindow[ticker_name]; var time_to_fill = t.production ? Math.floor((t.limit[1] - t.available)/t.production) : -1; if (time_to_fill>0) { node.innerHTML += '
'+DateTime.formatDate2(DateTime.getFinishTime(time_to_fill))+''; } var script = ' var newticker = {}; newticker.available = oldticker.available; newticker.limit = oldticker.limit; newticker.production = oldticker.production; newticker.valueElem = ticker_id; if (!vacation) new resourceTicker(newticker); '; script = script.replace(/oldticker/g, ticker_name); script = script.replace(/newticker/g, ticker_name+'2'); script = script.replace(/ticker_id/g, '"'+ticker_id+'"'); Utils.runScript(script); } } } }; var Buildings = { showRange: function(id) { var spanInfo = Utils.getElementByClassName('solarSatEnergyInfo'); if (!spanInfo) return; var range = Utils.parseInt(spanInfo.innerHTML); var coords = Ogame.getActiveCoords(); if (!coords || !range) return; var system1 = coords.system-range; var system2 = coords.system+range; if (Utils.page != 'defense') { system1++; system2--; } system1 = Math.max(system1, 1); system2 = Math.min(system2, 499); range = ' ('+coords.galaxy+':'+system1+' - '+coords.galaxy+':'+system2+')'; spanInfo.innerHTML += range; }, Show: function(e) { if (!e || !e.target || e.target.id != 'content') return; if (Options.showDeficient) Resources.showMissing(); if (Utils.isCurrentPage('resources')) Resources.showProduction(); var id = document.getElementsByName('type')[0]; if (id) id = parseInt(id.value,10); // phalax and IPM range if (id == 42 || id == 503) this.showRange(id); Names.showBuildingResNames(); }, Run: function() { if (Options.showDeficient) Resources.Missing_insertCSSRules(); var planet = document.getElementById("planet"); if(!planet) { Utils.log("Error => Buildings.Run() => The element \"planet\" is missing."); return; } planet.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(e){ setTimeout(function(){ Buildings.Show(e); }, 0); }, false); } }; var Stats = { highlightAllyPlayer: function(row) { function parseAlly(name) { var res; if (name) { res = name.match(/\[(.+)\]/i); if (res) res = res[1]; } return res; } Colorer.highlight(Colorer.PLAYER, 'descendant::*[@class="name"]/A', row); Colorer.highlight(Colorer.ALLY, 'descendant::*[@class="ally-tag"]/A', row, parseAlly); }, showStatsDifs: function(row) { stats = Utils.XPathSingle('descendant::*[@class="overmark" or @class="undermark"][@title]', row); if (stats) stats.innerHTML = stats.getAttribute ("title"); }, onDOMNodeInserted: function(e) { if(!e || !e.relatedNode || !e.target || e.relatedNode.id != "statisticsContent" || e.target.className != "content") return; Stats.Show(); }, Show: function() { try { var paging = document.getElementById('paging').cloneNode(true); Utils.insertAfter( paging, document.getElementById('row') ); } catch (e) { Utils.log(e) } var rows = document.getElementById('ranks').getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var i=0; i

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